View Full Version : Poked by a cactus ouch!

26-03-14, 05:11
Good morning I'm terrified of being poisoned and allergies etc etc
I was just in my garden and we have potted cactus the very large ones with huge spikes well one just got me on my knuckle and it really hurt!!!
The spike did not break off it just felt like an injection will I be ok I'm now panicking that it could poison my system or something else I know it may sound ridiculous but as a health anxiety sufferer unfortunately minor things like this that most people could shrug off we can not , I'm so annoyed Witt my self I promised I won't google which I won't but I'm back on here looking for reassurance yet again !

---------- Post added at 05:11 ---------- Previous post was at 05:10 ----------

With* not Witt sorry!

26-03-14, 05:30
If you ingest some of them, yes.

They do have something in them to protect them from their natural predators...but thats not us.

So, if anything treat it like any other sharp spikey plants such as roses. Approach your GP is you have any symptoms which you believe are connected e.g. if you think you have developed an infection as it looks infected or won't heal.

That doesn't mean to say it's going to be an infection either. I'm just saying that so that you know it's like being pricked by harmless plants but want to make it clear that anything sharp outside can always get dirt in a wound and go that way. In which case, a course of antibiotics is the norm. Please don't think that will happen.

I've pricked my hands on them many times and nothing ever happened. The same with lots of other plants.

I've got to say though, I think the soft cacti are lovely to stroke!

26-03-14, 06:05
Thank you!!! I am looking out for swelling redness or any other unusual symptoms and of course will see a doctor if need be, I just worry so much that it could cause a huge allergic reaction and I will die there and then!!
Yes I sound ridiculous!:mad:

26-03-14, 06:30
If it did, you would know about it. There is bound to be just so an allergy but wouldn't you know about it from doing something similiar before?

Anything serious from an allergy point of view is going to happen very fast and you are still on here.

It will probably just be a little sore, a little red and heal up. If you get any odd collouring (greens, yellows, etc), any oozing or it looks like it's got any heat in it, you just need your GP for something to resolve it.

It's your HA having it's fun with you. Just keep an eye with no more concern than someone with anxiety if you can. Try to distract yourself from it.

And if in doubt, seek medical advice.

26-03-14, 07:58
You dont sound ridiculous. I have freaked out over many things in the past and I can understand where you are coming from. Just keep an eye on things. Maybe put some antiseptic cream on and if it starts going red and puffy then get it looked at. I'm sure it will be fine x

26-03-14, 08:06
Thank you again! And yes I'm still here and nothing sinister is happening with finger, fingers crossed it stays that way ( excuse the pun)

---------- Post added at 08:06 ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 ----------

Thanks Humly, x

---------- Post added at 08:06 ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 ----------

Thanks Humly, x

26-03-14, 09:45
If you are going to have a username like earthmum you are going to have accept that nature bites sometimes :winks: I've been stuck by a cactus many times and I'm fine.

26-03-14, 12:00
Lol thanks RoseEve !

16-09-17, 22:58
Hi all- I know this is an old thread but I have been panicking this evening for the very same reason .

I went to close the curtains in my son's old bedroom which he moved out of today and never realized there is a cactus on the window sill and as i wen to close the curtains the cactus fell on my hand and pricked me it is a really long tall cream coloured cactus and has many pins - I panicked and now my hand is itching - there is no redness at all and this was a few hours ago - I'm still quite stressed about it :(

16-09-17, 23:19
As above - you will be fine.

17-09-17, 01:23
You'll be fine, FTL. :flowers:

I'm always prodding the things when I'm in B&Q. I like the fluffy ones you can stroke.

Any break in the skin means germs try to make a play for it but the immune system is well developed from childhood to sort out most things. At worst injuries tend to mean antibiotics.

Anything dangerous can't be sold without telling people anyway. In today's health & safety gone mad world we're not far off having labels on plants saying "don't drop on head". :biggrin:

I bought my dad a TENS machine from Lloyds Pharmacy years ago for his sciatica. In the "don'ts" it's says "do not apply to genitals" :roflmao: Any bloke that thinks that's something to try deserves what happens...or may be doing it for a thrill. I think the Russians perfected use of that area & electricity many years before. :winks: