View Full Version : Hi Everyone :-)

26-03-14, 08:57
I have suffered from health anxiety for the past 3 years, although it seems to be getting worse. I worry about every, lump, bump, spot, cough, ache and pain. I have been to see 3 consultants in the last 6 months with different problems-all was fine. But I still worry " what if they're wrong?" The rational part of me says "forget about it" but the other part of me keeps going over and over the problem and googling makes it worse, although I google for reassurance, I can't help myself :-(

I don't take any tablets, although I started taking Kalms yesterday to see if they would help, I'm not keen on pills etc and prefer to try natural products.

I'm so fed up with it spoiling my happy life, the constant worry and that scared feeling in your chest :-(

Thanks for listening

26-03-14, 14:21
Hi :welcome:

26-03-14, 14:36
Hi Annie

26-03-14, 16:02
Lib Have you thought about having CBT to help you?

26-03-14, 17:55
hi lib, welcome to nmp. xx

26-03-14, 18:10
Hi Lib
Welcome to nmp I am a new member myself
also I worry about everything,CBT may help you,I learned a lot even though I still struggle which is why I joined no more panic.
CBT helps you to put things into perspective I hope your feeling better soon.

26-03-14, 18:48
Hi Everyone

Thank you for the lovely welcome :)

I did ask my gp for CBT but she just gave a list of self help books and a number for a private CBT therapist, which I haven't followed up because of the expense :shrug:

I have just started taking Kalms and I seemed to have "Kalmed" down a bit but I'm purposefully not allowing myself to think too much :huh:


26-03-14, 19:19
Hello and welcome lib x :D