View Full Version : First panic attack in a long time...........

26-03-14, 09:41

Last night I was laying in bed reading and when I sat up my arm felt a bit funny. At first I thought this was because I had been laying on my side but then suddenly my arm felt like it wasn't there and I couldn't feel it attached to me even though I could use it normally. Then when I rubbed my face I felt like it was numb even though I could still feel it and then this was suddenly all over my body. I then panicked and started to feel breathless. I quickly managed to calm myself down, opened the window for air and curled up and went to sleep.
However this morning I was texting my boyfriend to tell him about it when it happened again. My arm now again feels really light and like its not there and when I touch my skin around my neck, chest area and face it feels like I'm not really touching it. So hard to explain.

I used to have severe panic attacks a few years ago and haven't had a full blown one for a long time. It came out of the blue. I have been under a lot of stress lately; my Mum has had cancer, my Nan broke her hip and having trouble with my sons dad. I just don't want my panic attacks and anxiety to go back to what they were because that was no life. The only thing that was better was that normally with panic attack I would want to run (flight) but last night I was able to fight.

But now the doubts have started to creep in and I'm thinking was it a panic attack or am I actually ill with a neuro condition? Last night I was scared I was going to die!
I guess I ask this because I didn't feel breathless straight away and I thought the breathlessness was the first symptom?

Thanks for reading. If anyone can help please comment xxx

26-03-14, 10:00
Hi BumbleGirl, don't worry too much about going back to bad panic attacks. It sounds like you know how to handle them now, and are able to calm yourself. If you keep these in mind, and remind yourself of the tools you've learned to use for panic attacks, you'll won't feel overwhelmed by the thought of them. You're stronger than you think!

As for the numb arm, well it sounds like you've been under a lot of stress, and stress causes muscle tension. I get muscle tension around my neck and back when I am badly stressed, and sometimes this leads to a really weird feeling like my arm is numb, but it's not really. It's like it's not connected to my body even though I can still control it. It's a horrible feeling, but I've learned that it's not harmful and that it's a big signal to me that I need to work on some stress management and relaxation techniques to reduce that muscle tension.

It might be worth talking to your doctor about, especially if it persists, but working some gentle stretching and relaxation into your day will do no harm. Be aware of your posture when you're reading too, don't spend too long with your head bent downwards looking down at a book - try to hold it at eye level instead so you don't have to crane your neck.

26-03-14, 10:13
Thank you so much for replying honeylove. That's exactly what my arm feels like, like its not connected but I can still control it. I'm on citalopram already but I think trying out some relaxation techniques is definitely a good idea. Also I don't think I will lay down reading for a while. Thank you xxx

26-03-14, 11:06
I hope the feeling goes away for you soon, I hate it when it happens!

26-03-14, 11:21
BumbleGirl, HoneyLove said it very well. You seem to understand inherently that this was a panic attack but you did all of the right things to stop it in your tracks. I find it helpful to go back and remember all of the tools that you used to utilize when your panic attacks were so bad. What kinds of things did you practice on a regular basis that helped you get to a place of recovery? Try beginning to practice those things again on a daily basis. Be proactive and this will lighten your stress load and remind you of all of the tools that you have to deal with anxiety. You can do this!