View Full Version : Worried i have a brain tumour. MRI scan booked

26-03-14, 12:40
I am really worried i have a brain tumour.

Ii am not usually a worrier when it come to health, i put off going to the doctors unless im really ill (and also because i am a little ocd that i will pick up worse bugs at the doctors). Things have now got really bad and i am terrified.

It started 6 weeks ago, i had terrible headaches which last 3 weeks, during a particually bad night with my headache i became confused and began talking gibberish one night. This really frightened me and i panicked id be left in this state and hoe the hell would i get up the next day and function like this ?

My headaches went but i have been left with these funny episodes of feeling confused, this can go from moderate to extreme. The other night i could feel it creeping upon me and this led to a panic attack, i couldnt grab hold of a single thought, couldnt think of my childrens schools names etc, then today whilst having my lunch im worrying about what i put in my daughters lunch box because for the life of me i can not remember.

I have an mri scanned booked as the doctors are concerned with my confusion. I didnt mention that i suffer with bad sinus pain on and off as i wanted them to investigate this not just brush it off as sinus headaches. I have noticed that my sinus' are particularly bad around the times i have these episodes. Would this cause such confusion though ?? i dont have sinus pain when i am having these episodes.

I know i am feeling anxious which in turn makes things worse, but im anxious because of this confusion - i dont think its anxiety thats causing it.

i am so tired today and generally feeling rubbish, im so fed up and worried.

26-03-14, 12:44
I'm sure it must be difficult for you at this time...But the MRI scan should give you all the answers you are looking for......... meanwhile you could try some Mindfulness to help you relax.......:)


26-03-14, 13:16
Pretty certain the anxiety is causing you to feel muddled - I am the same, with or without anxiety! Last night I woke up and picked my lamp up and started brandishing it at nothing. Nearly borke it.

26-03-14, 13:39
I have suffered with anxiety before and nothing like this, its causing me real problems in my day to day life. Does anyone know if sinus congestion could cause this, my face is really aching today and my head is bad.

I am so worried that theres something seriously wrong.

26-03-14, 15:03
As a fellow sinus sufferer, yes infected sinuses can really cause some major issues.... sight, balance and a sense of 'detachment' from your surroundings. For me the pain of a sinus headache is awful, and can last until the infection and pressure is dealt with.

26-03-14, 15:17
Dear Helen,
try to rest. The Dr's will do their job tomorrow which is to get you back to 100% health. Keep us updated on how it went.

Wishing you strength and calmness!

01-08-14, 08:34
Hi Helen,

Did you get your mri results? Hoping everything was normal xx