View Full Version : Just got horrible news.

26-03-14, 13:26
Was Ustinov woken by a call from my aunt that late last night my uncle had a pretty bad heart attack and is currently in the ICU.

During our conversation she said "how can this happen he was fine last month"
Well of course I had to ask what she meant. Last month my uncle had his yearly check up,complete blood work up, EKG and because of his age 49 the doc sent him for a stress test. So when he went back for the results he passed everything with flying colours. Well I didn't need to hear that and now as I worry about my uncle I am also hit with the panic of he had all the same tests I had only a month ago and last night he almost died, so what did my EKG and holter monitor miss

26-03-14, 13:52
First of all, I'm so so so sorry to hear the news of your Uncle, but thank God he is still here with you. I will keep in my prayers!

You cannot go there with the "what ifs?" Trust me, I'm very familiar with the "what ifs?" and I need to take my own advice. Try to remain calm and he there for your Aunt and Uncle right now. You are just fine, and you are going to be just fine. *hugs*

26-03-14, 14:02
I'm really sorry to hear about your uncle ryan, what a shock it must be to you.

I understand how you're feeling, given that he had all of these tests last month. But heart attacks can happen for many reasons, so try not to overanalyse what happened.

Nothing is ever certain in life, the best thing that you can do is simply take really good care of yourself. Long term stress will have an effect on your health eventually, so working on unwinding your anxiety and learning to relax is very important to a healthy lifestyle.

What happened to your uncle is terrible certainly, but you cannot spend you life wondering "what if" about different tests and possible health problems. All you can do is live the best life that you can.