View Full Version : just to be on the safe side...

30-11-06, 03:36
as we know the internet is not a doctor. the response to 99% of all health-related questions are, see a doctor to be safe. but it is not normal that i have gone to the doctor 5 or more times in the last few months for basically unrelated reasons "symptoms", and there's pressure to go a 6th time, better safe than sorry, right? hoped my health anxiety would eventually dissipate after all these times being proven i am a healthy young paranoid person.
barely a week after getting negative hiv results, just noticed a small hard lump under my scalp, no skin discoloration as far as i can tell, and a small lump (presumably a lymph node) on the left side of my neck (although it is small, ie only palpable, it's nonetheless not symmetrical to the right side of my neck)... maybe always been there without my noticing...
what is always the response to these concerns-- "probably nothing, but if you are worried see a doctor to put your mind at ease." -- i know but this pattern is not normal, probably not healthy.
don't i risk much more health-wise being this way, than i would if i didn't run to the doctor every time i notice something i (or the internet) consider slightly unusual? should i go to the doctor AGAIN?

30-11-06, 09:43
This is a really difficult question to answer. The thing is, we always want reassurance that everything is ok, even though we know deep down that there is probably nothing to worry about. I have in the past gone running down to the doctors as soon as I noticed something different. Now I have got to the stage where I wait a while before going (or at least I try to) and more often than not the symptoms will have disappeared. The question is, do you drive yourself mad with worry for a few weeks before going to the doctor or go straight away and get some relief? I really dont know what the answer is.

30-11-06, 10:13
I agree - it's a difficult question to answer. You need to do whatever you feel comfortable with - to a degree. If it's taking over your life and your mind and it's all you think about, then maybe you should go get it checked. I think you logically know it's probably nothing and maybe if you wait it out a few days it'll go away. Totally up to you, you have to do what's right for you. Whatever you decide to do though, good luck!

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


30-11-06, 11:44
Hi Lewis,

I sympathise with you as I used to constantly run to the doctor but since I joined nmp now when I get a symptom 9 times out of 10 theres a post about it on the forum and it makes me feel so so much better as I realise I am not the only one.

Take Care


30-11-06, 19:01
thanks for the replies. no easy answers, hm?
i don't know about what's "deep inside", that's one of the main reasons i've been freaking out about my internal organs! maybe deep inside i know i am seriously ill, ...while there are no rational reasons to think so, the body and mind are extremely complex, and i've never really understood either anyway.
i tend to wait before seeing a doctor. unlike a lot of you, the things i worry about usually don't go away. many times they are things i've always had, just never noticed before. recently i've been feeling my inguinal lymph nodes, and i don't know if they've always been like that, never really thought about it before.
i am not "convinced" i have cancer. i am just constantly asking myself, "is this normal?" yes then no then yes then no.. by the time i get to the doctor i have a list of all my "abnormalities".