View Full Version : Fear of paralysis?

26-03-14, 14:38
hi everyone
I have recently developed a fear of paralysis. I worry about losing control of my body. Sometimes I worry that I cant move my fingers even though i can i think what if if i suddenly couldnt or what if it happens because i keep thinming about it? I am not seeing my councillor till next week but im in a bit of a bad way at the moment where I feel a bit ovewhelmed. could anyone help me with this fear? thank you pansa x

27-03-14, 10:53
i,ve been there it,s horrible. i still have my days i worry about this but i try and carry on.

27-03-14, 13:26
Sometimes I worry about what if I can't walk any more if I am walking somewhere as well :/
I also really worry about not being able to open my eyes which really scares me