View Full Version : Sharp pain in chest

26-03-14, 17:02
This morning I noticed when I got up and was walking around when I breath in I get a sharp pain around my heart area every time I breath in it only happens when I'm standing up when I sit down it goes away any one got an opinion? X

26-03-14, 18:17
Sounds muscular to me. Do you have a cough or anything? It doesnt seem remotely heart related dont worry about that X

26-03-14, 18:29
No no cough at all dizzy though but I guess that could be down to my anxiety. Could it be heart burn? X

26-03-14, 18:46
I get that sometimes. Buts a random sharp pain that takes my breathe away. I have had an ECG which came back normal. So it's just unexplained really.

26-03-14, 18:54
Hello, I've had this a couple times and went to my doctor on both occasions. He diagnosed it as costochondritis. It is when you have bruised your sternum. I had it a few days after a huge panic attack and the second time it came out of nowhere. Press down on your Brest bone and you may be able to feel where it is bruised. It caused me all sort of pains in my chest, shooting pains, sharp pains it even went to my shoulders and back. It hurt when i took deep breathes, moved a certain way or sometimes for no reason. My doctor told me it can come out of nowhere and to take Aleve to get rid of the pain. Try pressing around your chest (mine was mostly in between my breasts) to see if you can pinpoint where the pain is coming from.

26-03-14, 19:31
Thanks for the replies everyone the pain is a sharp pain on inhaling my chest does feel sore so it coukd be that probably muscular pain and I'm just being silly and cataserise itsorry spellings crap. X

27-03-14, 00:35
Oh my god! I get this! Just pressed and prodded my sternum and I've got a tender spot just right of my breast plate between my boobs. You're a genius kiki!!