View Full Version : losing it..

30-11-06, 06:25
I'm losing it.
A long time ago, I had something weird with my hand. I couldn't turn on the lamp, or turn a key. It went away after a few days, and I never saw anyone for it.
Later on, my arm started feeling strange again, no motor skills problems, just a weird feeling, and an urge to jerk it a lot. I went to my doctor and he told me it could be my restless leg syndrom.. apparently stress can aggrivate it and it can happen in the arms and hands as well as the legs. Okay, cool, no problem, right?
But, recently, with my intense fear of brain tumors, this has come back. I've started to question everything as a problem with my motor skills - if I drop something, anything, I'm convinced it's the tumor. The right side of my face feels numb-like on some days, but not on others. If it were a tumor, it would always be there, not only some days, right? When I went to the doctor with my fears he told me that it was my anxiety. I asked about brain tumor, he did a neurological examination, said quite clearly "this is not a brain tumor." and wouldn't even do a scan because he was that sure.
My question is.. can anxiety make me think I'm losing my motor skills? I mean, things FEEL weird when I touch them with my right hand. They don't feel the same as with my left hand. I am constantly doing "tests" with myself to see if I've lost motor skills. When I type, my right arm gets tired more quickly than my left arm. Same thing with my right leg and left leg, my right leg feels weird. I'm sleeping a LOT but it's not restful and so I'm still really tired all the time. My sleeping schedule is also all messed up - I go to sleep in the morning, because I dread being at home alone when my boyfriend is at work. I used to get up when he got home, around four or five, but lately, because I'm sleeping so restlessly, I don't wake up until 7 or so at night. Today, I didn't full wake up until almost 9pm. My right eye also sometimes feels weird. It feels almost as though my eyelid has too much skin.. when I pull my eyelid, it feels more normal.

I'm tired of living like this. The fact that my doctor said I don't have a brain tumor should have been enough, but I'm convinced that I have one. So, I mean, seriously, in your experience.. can anxiety really do these things? Can it affect only one side of the body? Can it make me think I'm losing my motor skills? Can it make one side of my face numb?

Everyone says if I had a brain tumor, I would have more obvious symptoms.. I'd be behaving strangely, or saying things that didn't make sense.. I don't think that's ALWAYS true. I read a story (I know I shouldn't google, I can't help it.) about a guy who had a brain tumor.. his only symptom was a little bit of trouble with one of his arms. I HAVE TROUBLE WITH ONE OF MY ARMS. :( My boyfriend tells me that even though that was his only symptom, had a doctor given him a neurlogical exam, he WOULD HAVE FAILED IT. I can't allow this thought to sink in.

I'm so scared. If this really is anxiety, I'm in a horrible cycle. The anxiety aggrivates the symptoms, the more pronnounced the symptoms are, the more sure I am that I have anxiety. I woke up with a headache this morning and started having a panic attack because I just KNEW that it was the tumor and my head was going to explode and I was going to die.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I guess I'm just wondering.. anxiety can REALLY do this? All of this? :(

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


30-11-06, 08:38
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> I'm in a horrible cycle. The anxiety aggrivates the symptoms, the more pronnounced the symptoms are, the more sure I am that I have anxiety.

<div align="right">Originally posted by halfwayhome - 30 November 2006 : 06:25:52</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Sorry. I meant to say the more sure I am that I have a brain tumor.

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


miss diagnosis
30-11-06, 09:35
I can assure you you dont have a brain tumor. I went through the same thing for months and Im still here!!!!!! The symptoms of panic are very similar to those of a brain tumor and nervousness will cause you to drop things and be jerky. |Ive broke some amount of glasses in my time
Please try to stop worrying although I should paractice what I preach.
Focus on something else and the symptoms will go away. Since joing this sight my cancer symptoms are mysteriosly decreasing!

30-11-06, 11:52
I have to agree - anxiety can cause all of this. I understand that there is a medical explanation for the numbness (it was googling my numbness / tingling all down one side of my body that brought me to this website!).

Someone else may be able to explain clearer, but I understand that when we are anxious, we shallow breath - this then means that we are not taking in as much oxygen as we should, and it can cause the numbness you describe. Mine was like the feeling you get when you've been lying awkwardly on a limb, but probably not at bad, but didn't disappear like it usually would. These symptoms lasted for just over a week with me, sometimes worse than others. I still occasionally get numbness / tingling now.

I also think that, when we are aware of a symptom, we then focus on that region and notice EVERY LITTLE THING!

Please try to be reassured it's nothing more serious, and hopefully it will soon go away.

30-11-06, 12:11
I think you can be reassured by your doctor and your boyfriend sounds pretty sensible too!! :D

I can have funny motor problems now and then and I soon as I become too self aware then they happen all the more!!

I remember laughing so hard at school in French once and then for about 15 mins couldn't grasp my pen - the teacher wasn't laughing!!

I told my piglets this a while back and they could relate to that too and now realise why I only know the words 'door' and 'sit down outside it', in French.

I get up in the morning too and don't seem to have a firm grip - honestly hun don't allow yourself to think on it too much as it just makes us worse. If you had a brain tumour there would be other symptoms which is why your doctor knows you havent.

If I had had everything I thought I'd had, I would be a medical marvel!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.