View Full Version : Scared for my life thinking about going to the ER

27-03-14, 00:07
Last weekend i had a lot of fun, the first time i was ever in a good mood and eating good food. Sunday came along and after dinner and two brownies what i had for dinner was Pasta with marinara sauce and a sprite i had this really bad sharp burning pain across my upper abdomen. It hurt like hell to the point i was bawled over in pain almost crying, right afterwards i started getting this burning / itching sensation in my body in my arms, legs and back. I've had this for about 4 days now and i am really freaking out i can really have Pancreatic Cancer. Today i had weird looking stool it was two different colors and looked white / pale, then i constantly had diarrhea. I really don't want to die, but i'm afraid its going to happen anyway. I'm in tears writing this thinking of my daughter and my family i'm going to leave behind. Why me? that's all that keeps running in my head is why me? I read that endoscopy's don't detect this disease and i only had one scanning test which is an abdominal ultrasound, and even that has a 70 percent of missing a tumor in the Pancreas. I can't even see the screen anymore, i can't stop crying

27-03-14, 00:15
Go see your doctor. I think that will be the best thing. Hope nothing wrong with you. Maybe you just eat something wrong.

27-03-14, 00:26
I agree with wins. I think a trip to the doctors is in order. I too hope its nothing serious. Thinking of you. X

27-03-14, 07:29
Try to keep calm Billy it dosent automatically mean pancreatic cancer could be gall bladder trouble or ibs or a million other things go see your Dr who will check you out Good luck

27-03-14, 07:39
You should get tested for allergies due to the itching. You should have gone to a doctor sooner. It's not always good to take the wait and see approach.

You won't know what it is until your doctor helps you figure it out.

Why you ? Why anyone.

Try to stay positive. We live in a time where more illness are treatable and cureable . So get your self to the doctor and take advantage of modern medicine :)

27-03-14, 14:06
Well, I do have Gastritis. I have mild gastritis and had it for 6 years, so i know Gastritis causes pain but the itching is scaring me, i don't know if its anxiety though. Its not all over my body its in my arms, but when i remain calm and meditate it travels to my legs.

27-03-14, 21:16
The itching could definitely just be anxiety. Recently I've started getting itching attacks. Go to your doc, but don't think you're doomed.

30-03-14, 00:45
Billy you need to make a dr appointment. Not because I think there is something serious wrong ,but for peace of mind. I went a couple days ago for stomach and back pain. He examined me then sent me for a bunch of lab work. One of the tests was for pancreas function. I had my results in 3 hours. Don't stay scared, get some reassurance. Take care, Tiff

30-03-14, 04:31
Thank you everyone, i got tests done and i found out it was an allergic reaction to Celexa which gave me peace of mind, i have to get off these but i don't see my psych until two weeks from now so I'm afraid to go cold turkey. I heard what that can do to you. I really appreciate the feed back, cheers guys. I feel a little better already knowing it's not cancer and that its my meds doing this lol

30-03-14, 05:20
Yeah, don't drop anti depressents off in one go, you have to taper them off. Some people are more sensitive than others so need a longer or more graduated taper.

Can you call your psych? If yoou are having a reaction to the medication it's normally best to make contact and you've got tests to back it up so they don't really need to be face-to-face with you to advise on a taper. They may need to give you a prescription for a different type but then may want you to taper first and you could do that before seeing them or start doing it.

Have you recently started Celexa and thats why it's happened? Did they say it was an allergic reaction or side effects of going on them? Just a thought because if it's not an allergic reaction and is the starting side effects, they will pass and your pysch could advise to brave it out if it's not too much.

30-03-14, 09:56

I thought you were on citalopam???

30-03-14, 14:10
Citalopram is the generic version of Celexa.