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View Full Version : Deep vein thrombosis fears

27-03-14, 06:15
My leg was feeling a bit weird and turned out it had bruises on the back of the calf. It isn't that sore and it's not swollen or anything. I sit on the floor a lot and have a little bruise on my other calf too for some reason. I'm 22 and have no particular risk factors, but I am highly inactive due to a condition so that's why I'm worried. I move around a lot, but can't walk much. I'm always scared of something these days :-(

27-03-14, 09:21
I always have massive weird fears over blood clots, I'm 22 as well so I know they're rare but doesn't stop me worrying! Anyway as far as I know (and have googled at length) they don't give you bruises at all. So I would hazard a very big guess you don't have one in the slightest :-)

27-03-14, 21:12
Thanks. Went to the hospital about it today and they did bloods and an ultrasound. They were okay so probably not a clot. Course now I'm worried about what the blotches actually are :-/

27-03-14, 22:29
I get bruises all the time nd I have no idea how they got there. Loads of people do, probably just one of those things. X