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View Full Version : Bladder issues

27-03-14, 07:35
I'm looking for some advice please as I'm getting myself very worried.

When I was pregnant about 18 months ago I felt that I was leaking urine after I had pee'd. It would happen when I stood up to wipe.

I then had my baby and had a massive 3rd degree tear after a forceps delivery. Pushing too long etc. I still have the same urine issue.

I went to my gp last week who said I have vaginal prolapse of the bladder and rectum although she said they were mild.

I am worried because I appear not to be fully emptying my bladder and I am concerned it is Becuase I have a tumour somewhere in my pelvis etc pressing on the bladder. The reason I'm worried it's no Becuase of the prolapse as everything I read talks about having trouble emptying your bladder with a more advanced prolapse rather than mild...

Has anyone had this problem with dribbling after they have finished urinating?


---------- Post added at 07:35 ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 ----------

Also should at I've had urine tests etc an all normal and clear.

I also had my ovaries checked about the 5 month pregnant mark as I had had functional cysts at my 12 week scan which apparently is common once first pregnant. Anyway they were gone by the 20 week scan.

27-03-14, 10:11
Hi. I dont know much about this but what did your doctor say when you went. Is there any treatment for it?

27-03-14, 11:35
It's very common to have a prolapse after pregnancy and birth she said, particularly with the extent of tearing I had after labour.

But what's worrying me is what seems to be me not emptying my bladder fully. Now this is listed as a symptom of prolapse but because I have health anxiety I ruin myself in knots worrying its from ovarian cancer for example as this also causing you to retain urine. My gp explained to me that of t was from ovarian cancer then I would need to have a massive tumour and it wouldn't be just a dibble at the end that I would be worrying about, I wouldn't be able to empty my bladder almOst at all. She has referred me to the gyno physio. I'm going today so I guess I will be able to get her advice as they see this daily with pelvic floor problems and prolapses etc.

My gp said I couldgo for a pelvic scan if I want but she does not feel it is necessary as everything I am telling her is symptoms of the prolapse. It's just putting my trust in them that they are right.

27-03-14, 11:49
I had quite a traumatic birth due to my bub being an 11 pounds! I didn't get the prolapse but still feel like my bladder is never totally empty. I find drinking more water believe it or not helps, also when you are doing a pee, lean over/down as much as you can as it helps to empty your bladder more. Good luck :)

27-03-14, 12:34
Thank klg

Yeah I've been doing that and I'm finding quite a bit is coming out but I coul literally sit there for 10 mInutes and I can get more and more out. I'm terrified I've got something blocking it from emptying other than a mild prolapse?

It's gettin to point I don't want move as I just can't bear to notice it. I will see what the physio says this afternoon and post.