View Full Version : So worried about my chest X - Ray

27-03-14, 07:47
I am going to my chest X ray today and I am petrified. I have convinced myself (as you do) of it being something very bad. I am not going to the X - Ray alone which is a good thing but I still don't know how I am going to go through with it. I feel a bit ashamed , especially when I read fishman's threads, but I am not as brave or as logical as he is. My cough is worse than last week which worries me. I am having it done about 2 pm so just need to keep relatively calm till then (how do I do that!!) Thanks for reading.

---------- Post added at 07:47 ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 ----------

Would I be told straight away if it's bad news. My mind is running away with me at the minute.

27-03-14, 09:19
Yeah you would be told straight away. I had one yesterday and they literally look at it and tell you there and then :)

27-03-14, 11:17
Hi I am sure it will be fine, my partner had a cough from last November and he had one last week, didn't get the results straight the way though, don't think they are allowed to give them to you, he got his 5 days later and was fine, still got cough LOL
Don't worry Ha Ha xx

27-03-14, 11:24
Alma, just think that once you have the x-ray, you can put your mind at ease. You want to trust bin the test results and in your physician. Sometimes the anticipatory anxiety is worse than the actual thing that we fear. Gosh only knows, I'm the queen of Anticipatoey Anxiety. Try to hold positive thoughts until time for the x-ray. Chances are that all of the results will be normal and you can breathe a sigh of relief. And hey, we can't all be as strong as Fishmanpa. But we can keep right on trying to be. Good luck today.

27-03-14, 12:42
Hi Alma, I will be thinking about you this afternoon. Don't worry if you don't get the results straight away. The radiologists are not usually allowed to give the results and they will probably say you need to see your doctor for them in a few days. :hugs::hugs:

27-03-14, 13:15
Good luck, will be thinking of you! :hugs:

27-03-14, 13:55
Good luck:hugs:

27-03-14, 14:57
Thanks all so much for your messages. Well I got through it. The radiologist said to me that she could not see anything glaringly obvious on the x - ray but to follow up with my GP in 5 days. I am assuming by her saying it looks fine is a good thing? I have to say ,that true to form I cried right throughout the whole thing!

27-03-14, 15:15
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:for Alma xx

27-03-14, 15:18
Awww thanks Magic :hugs::hugs: xx

27-03-14, 15:18
She would not have said that to you if she had seen anything to worry about so it sounds good :)

27-03-14, 15:20
I agree. Sounds positive x

27-03-14, 15:21
Thanks Annie, yes I think she was trying to keep me calm and just said it looked fine and nothing obvious. At least I managed to be honest this time and tell them I suffer from anxiety. She was so nice to me as well.

---------- Post added at 15:21 ---------- Previous post was at 15:20 ----------

Thanks Humly x

27-03-14, 16:21
Good job, Alma!
Very soon you will have a clear read on this, hopefully something to help with any symptoms you are having….and you will be way down the road on stopping smoking!!! Keep going! You are doing great!

27-03-14, 16:28
Thanks Toomuchtolivefor. x

31-03-14, 07:35
I am posting just because I want to write this down, I am going back to the doctor's today, not regarding my chest x ray, although my results could be back I suppose, I have no idea how to explain to the GP what is the matter with me, I cringe with embarrassment every time I am there due to what is on my file about my HA, I feel I need more tests but am scared to have them, I have written down my issues but I go to the GP's so often I feel a bit of a joke. I still have my cough though so suppose i do have a valid reason. Just felt like sharing this morning so thanks for that.

31-03-14, 15:07
Good news about the xray:)

31-03-14, 18:18
Thanks Sarah, my appointment went ok , I need to have a few blood tests tomorrow, my chest x ray was back and is normal, so I am pleased about that. x

31-03-14, 18:34
I am pleased for you that your xray was clear so you can put that behind you now x

31-03-14, 18:39
Thanks Humly it was a big weight off my mind, I am pleased with my progress to be honest, 1 year ago I would have been doubting the X - Ray and asking for an MRI. The doctor said today that I am being logical about my symptoms and that I have come a long way from the person she saw 2 years ago .

31-03-14, 19:15
Good news on the x ray! What your doctor said is a huge accomplishment and you should be very pleased! You're doing positive things :) Keep up the good work!

Positive thoughts

31-03-14, 19:18
Thanks Fishman. :)