View Full Version : How can you tell a cold is coming to an end? I'm fearing I am not over the worst

27-03-14, 14:18
Obviously you will start to feel better but are there any other tell tale signs? I've had a cold since Sunday and it is now Thursday and I'm past the constant running nose/painful inside of nose and throat stage and now I have a half runny half blocked nose and a little bit of a tickly cough and still have that all over zombie death warmed up feeling. Am I over the worst? When should I feel 100% me again?

I have HA and suffer from panic attacks and like a lot of you, the slightest ailment I get can set my panics off :(
Its that mental 'not quite right' feeling you get when you are ill that gets to me mostly I think.

27-03-14, 14:28
Sounds like you are over the worst to me. I hate that first constantly running nose bit and my eyes usually water as well but once my nose starts blocking up thats when I feel like I am on the mend. Just drink plenty of fluids and vitamin c is good. Take care.

27-03-14, 14:51
I think I am panicky because the last time I had the cold/flu was about 2 years ago and it developed into pneumonia and I'm scared I get that again.

I've gave my bf whatever I have and now he is feeling better but coughing up thick green phlegm and me being me, I'm scared to go near him in case I get worse again.

27-03-14, 18:49
hi ginger fish, thought i was the only one who worries about colds/flu. mind is like yours stems from catching flu (when i never worried about any thing). and getting really ill. that was 20 years ago but my HA ,has only kicked in in the last 7 years. first it was about heart attacks when i worked away.
and since swine flu its colds etc because at the start you dont know if you have flu or a cold.
the last year has been the worst i go to stupid lenghts to avoid catcing a cold. but i need to get a grip on this before next winter kicks in. if it helps get the flu jab and use boots cold /flu nasel defense it does help.
it is horrible as my wife thinks im mad and just makes me worse but by the sound of your symtoms you seem on the mend remember abad cold can take weeksto clear but spring is here so plenty of sunlight and you wll be fine

27-03-14, 20:31
I'm going outside tomorrow for the first time since I have got ill with the flu/cold and it is probably what I am needing though I'm a little nervous tbh. I recently just managed to go back outside and get on top of my panic attacks and I feel I have had a set back after being in the house for nearly a week being ill if you know what I mean?

27-03-14, 20:48
You just have to kinda get on with it and stop worrying about it (yeah I know, difficult advice to take sometimes)

I'm just coming to the end of a cold that turned into a very bad bacterial infection (3 months since first sniffles) so I know how you feel, but worrying about it will literally solve nothing, and if anything make it slightly more likely to get worse as your immune system is compromised by stress.

One thing I found very useful is a honey, lemon and ginger drink with 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Honey and lemon for obvious reasons but also the ginger and turmeric are powerful anti viral/bacterial agents.