View Full Version : Afternoon - Im new to NMP and my introduction is long

27-03-14, 15:17
Hi, My name is Fiona. I am 32 years of age and have 3 children and 3 step children
I was in search of an answer and good old google directed me here so here I am.

A little bit about myself to begin with.
I was placed in care when I was 18 Months of age and at the age of 5 I was made a court order awarding me to the authority's care, basically I was put up for adoption. I was adopted at 9 years old after going from home to home for the 7 years I was in care. Age 11 I was put back into care because I was a difficult child, My parents tried to get me the help I needed from the rejection I had had from when I was a child and basically didn't get anywhere.

When I was 16 I moved into a flat of my own, met a man ( he was 30 ) and we became a couple
After just 6 Months being together, he started to become violent and abusive. I fell pregnant when I was 18, I later went on to loose the baby. At 20 I got married to this man and a year later we had our first child. The abuse continued, I felt so alone and like everything was my fault. Fast forward a few more years we had another 2 children.
In 2008 my youngest son who was just 11 months old DIED - How , that's anybody's question. He had a sudden onset of cardiac arrest and 5 days later he died in my arms. Post mortem couldn't find anything wrong, it was 4 Months before we was able to hold his funeral. We then lost my other 2 boys because of his sudden death and we was told it was normal procedure - I then went downhill mentally.
To cut a long story short, after 14 years of hell, I left my husband - It was hard, it was scary and I was petrified given the amount of crap he had put me through. I lived in fear. This didn't help my mental health at all and I became a recluse to everyone. I had no friends because he had done that.

I am happy to say though that my life slowly began to turn around, I met a new man online, he was told everything about my past and my issues and he wanted to help me, treat me like a princess, so I thought why not. Why should I let my past keep me pulled down, so off I went, I met this man and 2 years later, here I am, happy at long last. We married valentines day last year and I haven't looked back

Just one problem, my anxiety's and panics get in the way - I find myself kicking off, getting upset at just the simplest of things. I know I still have issues with depression etc, Only good thing is I haven't self harmed in 2 years and that is a major accomplishment for me and I don't intend on going back

I have just been put on some new medication, Cipralex. Im struggling with the change and that's why Im here really..

If your still reading, Thank-you - I look forward to getting to know you and gaining some support on my last journey

27-03-14, 15:21
Hello Fiona what a journey you have had ,its understandable that you suffer from anxiety.You will meet some nice people on here and get good support.The meds should ease off in a few weeks.Take care

27-03-14, 16:03
I'm here reading, tears streaming down my face. You're two years younger than me and I can't believe the life you've had. If I could hug you right now, I would!!

You're so brave leaving your first husband. And congratulations on finding happiness.

Like MrAndy said, you're going to meet lots of people on here and make lots of new friends who understand how you feel.

You've done so well not self harming in so long....you should be so so proud!!

Welcome to NMP xxx

27-03-14, 18:24
Thank you so much both for a lovely welcome!

29-03-14, 09:54
I look at my life, and the hell i have been through, but its nothing compared to yours, and you are way stronger than me. Your a survivor.