View Full Version : Update

27-03-14, 17:10
Woke up in hospital last night in quite horrendous chest pain. Was given gas and air which completly knocked my socks off. (its seriously good stuff) ECG did come back abnormall and I was rushed to the cath lab. The procedure is still a blur as I was under sedative but long story short I have a spasum in one of my arterys and some mild blockages which they feel don't need stenting just yet. There abit stumped as to what to do with regards to the spasum. They want to confer with other cardios tommrow and figure out a game plan. Not the news I was hoping for :(

27-03-14, 17:13
Kurtis I am so sorry. Positive thing is you are being looked after well and they know what the issues are now and that should sort you out.

27-03-14, 17:16
Best wishes Kurtis:hugs:

27-03-14, 17:19
Thanks mummy anx. Yea hopefully I will recover from this its just down to the cardios now really but there making me comftable and looking after me so that's good x

---------- Post added at 17:19 ---------- Previous post was at 17:18 ----------

Thank you Sarah x

27-03-14, 18:04
Prevention is better than cure. So those Docs are on it!

You are in good hands and I think the last thing you should do now is to worry. But hey, look who is talking ;-)

Thank you for the update! Wishing you loads of strength! :flowers:

27-03-14, 18:05
All the best Kurtis , you are in the best place to be looked after :)

27-03-14, 18:09
All the best. I am sure you will get sorted out and be fine x

27-03-14, 18:33
Thanks guys :)

27-03-14, 18:37
ah no. Well like mummy said, at least you know what it is and they can sort it out now. And you're in the best place. xx

27-03-14, 20:43
You can choose to look at this as a negative or a positive.

In my view, this is a positive. How?

There are some deposits but nothing that could or would cause an issue at this time. The good news is that you can treat and actually reverse the issue with meds, proper diet and exercise. You're young enough to never have to deal with it again in your life if you do the right things.

The other positive is that a coronary artery spasm is stress related in the vast majority of cases. There are other reasons people get them but unless you're a drug user, withdrawing from heavy alcohol abuse or live in the Antartic, the most likely cause is stress/anxiety. The good news is that you can treat that as well. I don't know if you smoke but if you do?... it's a no-brainer to quit.

The bottom line is that your symptoms, as scary as they are, are not life threatening and they can be treated.

Positive thoughts

27-03-14, 21:39
Glad to hear from you Kurtis, and glad to hear that major heart issues and blockages have been ruled out. You hang in there and trust your doctors. It sounds as if you are being well cared for at the hospital.

27-03-14, 22:09
Hi kurtis wishing you well ,stay positive :) xx

27-03-14, 22:21
Thank you :)

28-03-14, 16:32
How's things today kurtis?