View Full Version : Is this an addiction

27-03-14, 17:22
All I think about is buying books even though I have like 10 to read ! I tend to buy books based on how I'm feeling at the time so if I'm feeling down I'll buy a self help book but while reading that book I'll see a book that catches my eye and buy that for my next read. After reading my current book I won't want to read the new book I got because I'm now in a different mood so I'll do what I usually do , buy another book. I can't stop thinking about books I have no idea why I don't know if it's because I don't have much friends , thanks to anxiety , but I don't think it's healthy. Is it possible to be addicted to buying books ?

27-03-14, 17:28
I'm completely the same! I have 7 books I still need to read but I was still on Amazon last night looking for more. I think it's like that thing where if someones depressed they'll buy something to temporarily give them something to do. Well in my case it's that anyway, plus I love learning things :)

27-03-14, 17:46
At the moment I have approx 300 unread books on my Kindle, some of which are self help books, but every week I feel the need to add more. Thankfully I tend to stick with the free ones or any under three quid so at least it's not an expensive 'hobby'

27-03-14, 18:25
It's very common to want to buy stuff when you're feeling down to make yourself feel better but that feeling soon disappears.
I've spent a fortune over the years on Music,movies, books, clothes. I've got enough clothes to open a shop but I don't wear them because I hardly go out & I have boxes of trainers brand new.I started buying designer clothing Arnani,Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren, all top of the range stuff. I spent £450 on a Barbour coat which I haven't worn had it for over a year. I tried to tell my doctor about this because I think I have symptoms of Bipolar but he said I haven't.My flat is packed with clothes trainers blurays, cds, I have some lovely stuff but does it make me happy? Not really.

27-03-14, 18:29
It all comes down to sense gratification, that instant fix of material wealth. Because when we are low, doing anything else that will bring the true happiness is too much effort for some people :)

27-03-14, 18:56
I feel like it's an addiction for because I'm constantly craving knowledge through books but I obviously haven't learnt much , why else would I still be addicted ? I think it's a boredom thing as well for me because when it comes to bed time my mind is still alert and energetic so I go to bed really late the only problem with that is I wake up really early , it's a horrible cycle.

28-03-14, 04:57

It can become an addition, like anything else can but in an OCD fashion as a book has not physical way to addict you. However, a simple test is whether you can just not do it and can you just not do it without battling a "what if, I must do this" which the OCD sufferer would feel. If so, it's not an addiction is it? There is a common misconception that OCD is about rituals and those rituals make you feel better but the reality is that there are variations of OCD and sometimes you feel worse for performing a ritual despite being compelled to do it...which I have.

What it could be is emotional spending. It's like comfort eating / emotional eating. You are in a certain mindset and you make yourself feel better by spending money as Luna was saying.

I do this myself in supermarkets sometimes. I buy something, may use it, may not...may use it months later.

It can also be part of OCD. If it's an obsession you feel that you need to do it, hence the addiction parts since it's not possible to become addicted to books other than in your mind as wirth OCD.

Buying a book and not using because your mood changes is no big deal. It's an issue when it becomes an obsession and you can't control it. Non anxious people do this all the time to, I know I did before my anxiety started.

Why not read before bedtime? I never used to but I started a few years back and it helps relax my mind. Probably self help books though, more fiction.