View Full Version : why does this happen

27-03-14, 18:11
hi Ive got myself so worked up with anxiety since this afternoon because i foned a help line up earlier as I wanted to ask advice on why i always get so anxiouse if i think about maybe going to visit my family who live the other side of the city or go someware that I have to travel on abus even tho im not scared of a bus or anything. I explained that I had gad and was diagnosed by doctor and that I do manage to go to local shop or for awalk. but strait away she said that i haven't got gad its panic disorder and agrophobia and soon as i got off the fone my anxiety went thro the roof as I started to think ive been misdiagnosed that I haven't had gad all these years ive got panic disorder and I became so overwhelmed with the anxiety,i wanted to run up to see my gp to find out if she was right but I didn't go im still quit anxiouse now over it and if possible would like some advice as to why on earth did i react the way I did afterwards because of what she told me as I always seem to believe what people tell me for some reason, and get so overwhelmed by it.

27-03-14, 18:29
Hi Trish,

Panic disorder and agoraphobia both come under the umbrella of GAD..... however it is not important about putting a label on yourself... just call it "anxiety". When I was in a psychiatric unit this time last year I was diagnosed PTSD/GAD/Post Viral Fatigue! Who cares what it is called........ try to relax about this (hard I know)........ anxiety is anxiety.


27-03-14, 19:05
Doctors & Psychiatrists don't know as much as you think, just because they say something doesn't mean it's true. I know more about mental health than half the doctors I have seen because I've lived it everyday.

27-03-14, 19:11
To me its all the same. I've had symptoms over the years of all the different mental problems. Back in the day it was called 'nerves'. And some fancy doctors giving it various acronyms is no help at all.
This is my opinion:)

27-03-14, 19:25
Some doctors try to make out they are better & talk down to you when in fact they are not.
Psychiatrists don't like it if you have a brain because you're supposed to just sit there & accept their diagnosis & take the pills. They are no better than me or you & can't handle it if you're intelligent. I probably sound really cynical but I have learned the hard way I wouldn't give half the psychiatrists the time of day. Just because we have mental health issues doesn't mean we are stupid.

27-03-14, 19:37
Although a misdiagnosis is not nice the difference between GAD and PD is not much. PD means that you suffer from at least four panic attacks a month and fear oncoming attacks, GAD means you have chronic anxiety which is also in PD, but you can have chronic panic attacks in GAD. Treatment is very similar for both, often counselling and CBT, and doctors tend to prescribe the same type of medication, although medication and therapy are tailoured to the individuals.