View Full Version : almost 3 weeks

27-03-14, 20:02
Well, I really didn't want to come on here complaining again, but here I am.
I am at 2 1/2 weeks (3 weeks saturday)..I am on liquid cit. and up to almost 2ml which is 4mg..I am supposed to get to 5mg and stay there for awhile, due to my sensitivity to meds..I just feel so odd..Groggy and jittery at the same time..I get waves of nausea, and I am just as anxious/panicy as ever. I know I have to give it time and not give up. I am taking .5mg of lorezapam twice a day..I just hate waking up in such a bad place. Anxious as soon as I open my eyes..Then the dizziness starts, the disconnected feeling like I am going to faint, etc., etc...
please tell me someone else was really, really bad and improved on cit...Again, sorry for the whining..Glad you are here...Debbie

28-03-14, 22:07
Hi Debbie. I really struggled at first. I used to walk most places but felt so drained and washed out that I started relying on lifts or getting the bus.

It was a very difficult time but I was at my wits end. I needed some support and as I have said some 16 weeks in now it's better. It's not perfect but I can get on with my life better.

My triggers/demons are sometimes there so I have to be wary.

I hope things pick up for you soon but I remember the first month or so being especially hard.

Hang in there x

29-03-14, 18:56
Thank you so much Marty..I am so bad I don't leave the house, except for the doctor appts.., and someone has to take me and I am in complete panic. Went to the doc yesterday, was really bad, sure I was dying..Before I left I was close to calling for a ambulance..I hate this..Anyway, she gave me a lot of extra time and feels the death of my mom last year woke up all the grief and disbelief I had surrounding my sons death. So now I am in just a constant state of fear and panic..She really believes the cit will help, but it will take quite some time, especially since I have to tirate up so slowly. She also said it is not a straight road, but a very curvy one and it is common to have days where you just feel so much worse and feel as though you are not making any progress, but it will get better. So I took my cit this morning (now she has me take 1/2 at breakfast and 1/2 in the afternoon) and took my lorazapam and I am trying to keep busy..Thanks for all the encouraging words, it really does help...Debbie

29-03-14, 21:45
Hi Debbie.

I hope things get better for you. I have two sons of my own and although I cannot even start to understand what you have been thru, I do empathise.

We are all here for you xxx

Take care, Marty