View Full Version : scared

28-03-14, 01:08
So I'm laid in bed trying to nod off when my heart starts racing. Then slowing down, then racing. Every time it speeds up I get a dizzy rushing like sensation. I'm now shivering uncontrollably and my chest hurts.

The shivering and chest pain says panic attack, but the speeding up and slowing down of my heart is new to me. Does anyone else get this? I'm really freaking out right now.

28-03-14, 01:53
This happens to me a lot. Something about lying down seems to make me hyper aware of things. Often when I'm falling asleep my heart suddenly goes nuts or I feel like I need to take a huge breath.

Then that freaks me out and like you I can start shaking. I guess since it's happened so often now I'm better at calming my self down after.

I always found splashing cold water on my face helps. If I'm very anxious I sometimes will walk around outside in my garden. Something about the cold seems to calm me.

28-03-14, 02:09
Had a full blown double attack. My chest is still hurting and I'm still tense but my heart has calmed and my breathing more regulated. My chest hurts right where my ribs join my breast plate. Do you get pain there? Its making me feel sick.

28-03-14, 02:57
I saw your post just now-- I am SO sorry you are dealing with these bad attacks tonight!
I have experienced some of these symptoms myself, but have certainly seen them across the board here.
Hang in there…..how are you doing now?

---------- Post added at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:56 ----------

Oh, and saw the pic you sent me of the dragon cake earlier….LOVE IT! Put a smile on my face for hours!!!

28-03-14, 04:33
That pain you are feeling in the ribs is likely to be muscular. It will pass. You've just had a lot of tension in them so they are bound to be a sore.

28-03-14, 09:14
Hey guys. TMT, I managed to get to sleep but feel like I've been run over this morning. Thank you for the message. Glad you liked the cake. Made a green one for my son to take to school yesterday, minus wings, so it was a dinosaur apparently lol. Xxx

Terry, thank you. I still have the chest pain now but not as bad and intermittent. I have a musculoskeletal physio appointment on the 10th of April for a trapped nerve, so maybe its part of the same thing? Its not so bothersome now I'm not in a state of terror. I hate anxiety and panic so much. I wish some clever clogs scientist could find an absolute cure for all of us. Xxx

Anxious, thank you for your message. It helped calm me a lot. I knew it was a panic attack, think I just needed someone to tell me. Xxx

28-03-14, 09:50
Sorry to hear the dragon got you too :(

FWIW Those are the same feelings I get, which we were PM'ing about. It's horrible and scary. Like you I wish some egghead would come along and say we have found a cure.

Untill then, were all in it together. I hope you feel better soon! x


28-03-14, 10:11
Thanks Kain,

Not feeling so anxious this morning, still a bit jittery and i ache like a mofo! Especially my neck. Still got the chest pain, but its not worrying me so much. I'm great at giving advice and rationalizing for others, but i can't do it myself. It sucks. I took the morning off work as i'm shattered, plus got two poorly kids home today too.

Hope you're ok,
Lisa. xxx

28-03-14, 12:45
hello lisa is anything fuelling these attacks anykind of repetitive thought in your head? have you drank any alcohol prior to this

tk care

28-03-14, 15:53
hey Kris

Nope, no alcohol and i was feeling on top of the world yesterday. Thats how it goes with me i'm afraid. I also suffer health anxiety but there doesn't seem to be a pattern the panic follows. I can be strung out about my health and have no panic attack, or totally calm and relaxed and have an attack. They seem to come from nowhere. xx

29-03-14, 18:04
I stopped drinking last Saturday with a chronic anxiety period till Wednesday then from there till now its been absolute calm

its unbelievable what it does isn't it

kris x

29-03-14, 20:27
I think a good idea for panic sufferers is to not lie down until you literally can't keep your eyes open. Otherwise lying down can make everything worse.