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28-03-14, 11:51
Well I have just come back from my first appointment with the psychiatrist and I barely remember anything of it apart from my heart fears wernt really talked about. was just basic stuff about school and work life, i suppose to get a background idea on you. All I could think about was that my heart is still not beating right and I had an air bubble in my throat the whole time. Just got home and still have the same feelings, it's like every beat is a palpitation. Even the beta blockers (propranolol) effect seem to have worn off as I took one this morning and it hasn't helped. It's just like my heart is beating slowly and struggling and has a weak beat (feels like one beat instead of two if that makes sense). I can barely walk 50 yards without being out of breath, just seems in the last week my heart strength has dramatically decreased and feels totally different. Got a docs appointment later but I know what they will say :( anyone else find that their heart feels different like constant palpitations and air bubble in throat with every beat?? Any advice would be great. Thanks

28-03-14, 12:14
I think my answer will be the same as most anxiety sufferers..yes. Heart beats seem to become totally erratic when you are anxious but it is nothing to worry about.

28-03-14, 12:31
Thanks Annie

28-03-14, 12:41
Try coughing or drinking a pint of water, that helps me when I feel like that.

Don't be disheartened, this is just your first appointment! They'll start to help you overcome your heart anxiety soon. :)

28-03-14, 13:41
I have tried that, it never seems to reset it into a normal beat sadly. The rhythm is ok, doesn't seem like it skips too much, just the strength of the beat changes. Its very weak like its not pumping quite right. It's a weird feeling.

29-03-14, 01:30
Hey PanicWHU. The first appointment with a psychiatrist is a very general one where your doctor will nut out a lot of different aspects of your life to understand what is going on and how you got to the place you are in now. This enables them to better understand how to proceed with treatment and recovery plans. There are lots of different areas that need to be covered in an initial psychiatric assessment, so sometimes it can feel quite impersonal and not really focused on your problems. This changes in your next appointment because all of the formalities are covered in the first (which you've just finished). If your heart worries are your biggest concern, be sure to highlight this in your next appointment and let them know that you really want to work on that before anything else. I can't give much advice re: your sensations as I haven't suffered from the same, but shortness of breath in anxiety sufferers is generally caused by breathing patterns rather than your heart. It may be that you are hyperventilating without realising rather than that your heart is causing the shortness of breath. I'd recommend trying some breathing exercises that may help you with that.

29-03-14, 16:24
Thank you Anthrokid :)

29-03-14, 19:09
I get this exact feeling and have asked about it before. A weak, tickly feeling beat. They didn't find anything wrong with my heart either, but I do have a condition called POTS which causes low stamina.

29-03-14, 19:11
Yeah that's exactly it freaked , I get a tickle sensation too. It's so strange. No chest pain, just discomfort and breathlessness

29-03-14, 19:32
Yup, that's it. Short of a structural problem I wonder if it's the vagus nerve, as mine can kick in sometimes and make me pass out or almost. Not normally dangerous; it's the sort of fainting that occurs when people get a sudden fright or see blood. Course it mightn't be related to the vagus nerve at all.

29-03-14, 19:41
I have read quite a bit about the vagus nerve and thought the exact same thing. When I am really bad, I am sick, like a reflux action. Doctors say the two aren't connected but I think there is something in it. I also get a feeling sometimes like my heart gets stuck or there is something stuck like an air bubble

29-03-14, 19:53
I reflexively vomit too! Well, if you ever figure it out, let me know haha, and I'll do the same.

29-03-14, 19:57
haha will do :)