View Full Version : splinter hemorrhages , really stressed now

28-03-14, 14:50
I have had a splinter haemorrhage on my big toe for about 2 months seen doc told me its psoriasis , so I decided to google typical results it could be heart related chose for once to ignore it but was always checking my toes woke up today and have another on opposite big toe which has appeared overnight had a blood test today to try and find anything but iam really scared now and panic is off the scale coupled with the other horrible symptoms im getting iam really pooping myself ( excuse the term) for the last week I have felt unwell in a different way to normal with extreme , iam told panic symptoms , but I just have stopped believing docs now as im sure something is up would be nice to hear if anyone has splinter hemorrhages with panic xxxx

28-03-14, 16:12
I've got some and have only just found out the link. I've had them for a while on and off and am a little worried to say the least.

28-03-14, 17:16
Hi mummy Ty for the reply have u had them on ur toes on fingernails , I have also read ur posts we same to get same symptoms just like others I'm just freaked that there on opposite big toes in exact same position xxx

28-03-14, 17:42
Fingernails. They're very small as well, in fact barely noticeable. I've taken no notice at all of them till I read something the other day. Now I'm putting four and six together and making a catastrophe. I've no idea if they're ever normal.
What I used to do was pick them out! Like poke down under my nail and try and scratch them out as they're only usually above the fingertip bit.

28-03-14, 17:53
Hey..I had these and still get them..got into a complete panic about them..had a stack of tests..all fine..specialist said just trauma..if you have had them checked and gp says it's fine...it's fine!
Hope you feel better soon

28-03-14, 17:59
What tests did you have Marie? What did the dr say? I'm sure mine cage be trauma they happen too often

28-03-14, 18:24
I'm really stressed about it they are identical place on opposite toes have not injured them my second one appeared overnight I have none on fingernails just so scares it's my heart cos of all the worse symptoms I've had since last weekend

28-03-14, 19:44
Why don't you go and have a chat with your dr about it and see what they say? I mean specifically that you are worried that its heart related/

28-03-14, 19:56
I already have mummy they said injury or it's cause of skin conditions as I say not convinced xxxx

29-03-14, 11:34
Ok I was brave enough to look this up. The photos are nothing like I've got, I have a few very small ones every now and again and they're nowhere near as severe as the images u saw.
A useful link if you want to read it is this one. Yes it mentions something to do with the heart but it does stress you would be very ill with it. There are many more plausible causes and I'm stopping worrying about mine now.

Please do not read it if you are just going to worry more though:


29-03-14, 13:44
ty for the reply again mummy im so concerned because I just don't feel right I cant put my finger on it but I feel more ill than usual but a weird ill its hard to explain xxx

01-11-14, 03:36
A little over a year ago I noticed a black line very small at the end of my right pinky nail it looked just like a splinter of wood that was imbedded under the nail..I couldn't recall any splinter getting under my nail and it would not wash off no matter what so I began to wonder ..so I turned to google and the mayo clinic and found this could be a Splinter hemmorrage which can caused by a number of horrible things as we all know ...anyhow I then began scanning my nails and found a couple more small ones on different fingers and ended up in the Emergency room in a panic. They did regular blood tests and checked my heart function EKG and the Heart attack blood work up . and sent me home this was not good enough for me so I seen my regular Dr who said he was not worried about these things that were appearing on every nail even toenails now. I pressed harder and got him to send me to a dermatologist for evaluation ...I seen the dermatologist and immediately he said yes you are correct these are splinter Hemmorages and sent me for a barrage of tests ...Heart Echocardiogram Blood Cultures ANA Urine tests Trichinosis and CBC and many more ...ALL tests came back perfectly normal . I was not satisfied I wanted answers .. I ran from emergency room to emergency room day after day thinking I had Endocarditis or blood cancer or lupus or Hughes or some kind of auto immune disease ...everytime I went in they would do blood work look at my nails do chest x rays and say I was fine ...I changed doctors and got the new one to run all kinds of tests on me all came back normal ...
But I was still getting them on my fingernails and toenails ..still do ..I have a total of 7 right now ...they tried to say trauma ...but I rested my hands didn't use them for anything strenuous at ALL for a week and still new ones came on my toes too...anyways ...I have had every single test you could ever have for these and seen over 20 different drs and everyone of them said nothing is wrong ...seen another dermatologist nothing wrong ..seen a neurologist nothing wrong ...seen a hematologist nothing wrong..

So allllllllll the crap on the internet that says OH MY GOD YOUR GOING TO DIE IF YOU HAVE SPLINTER HEMMORAGES IS COMPLETE GARBAGE ...I am living proof that you can develop them for NO SERIOUS REASON AT ALL