View Full Version : Why can't I believe the health care professionals?

28-03-14, 16:34
Hi there, driving myself mad again!! When will it stop? Can anyone help please?
Had some pelvic pain a few weeks ago so Doc suggested a pelvic scan "just to put it to bed" (was panicking about ovarian cancer). Two days later came down with cystitis so rushed to get antibiotics. The scan was all fine and she checked my kidneys too as she knew I had had cystitis, said that there was no evidence of trans - something? whatever that meant (possibly to do with infection going up to the kidneys.) She could see scarring on the kidneys (which I know all about -that's another story). However, I have had a pain in upper left abdomen under rib for a last few weeks and am panicking that this might be a kidney stone. Doc said "no as it would have showed up on the scan and they did a good job and checked everything", urine test is also clear so no infection either. I am an ibs sufferer and wonder if it could be that although I normally get the pain in upper right and have had for years - undergone every test for that too, all fine. Doc thinks I am mad I am sure - I just go from one thing to the next, I only thought - ooo er kidney stone and it sticks in the brain. Surely it would have been spotted on the ultrasound?? Viscious cycle of thoughts - I can create any symptom just by thinking about it.
Sorry for the long post.

28-03-14, 17:08
Hi Jane, struggling to believe doctors is really common with health anxiety, you'll find lots of posts on it here. For this way of thinking you really need some help and tools to put into place when the worries begin to creep into your head.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help you look at the way you think and how to challenge yourself, it will give you lots of tools to work with. I'd suggest talking to your doctor about setting up some sessions, or simply have a look around your area and set them up yourself. There are also free online courses if you felt like having a look at them.

28-03-14, 17:37
Jane, I am currently struggling with the same issue. I have been trying to repeatedly tell myself, "healthy people have symptoms too" each time a bad though creeps into my head. Just when I think I am feeling pain or something "weird" I force myself to be distracted. Then I realize the "pain" is not there. If I can get through this so can you. Yesterday I decided to believe the doctor for 1 hour. It was a relaxing 1 hour.

28-03-14, 17:40
I think thats the key isn't it…

We all expect one day we will wake up and anxiety will be gone.. unfortunately in reality that won't happen.

Baby steps is needed, even if its for one hour we accept what they say… then recognise we done it… next time try two hours etc.

I am going to try this over the weekend.

28-03-14, 18:04
Thanks for all your replies - its nice to know that I am not alone with this anxiety and I like your suggestions - I will try it this weekend too. I know why it is so bad at the moment - its because I am due to go on holiday and really want to go knowing that I am well and healthy so that I can relax and enjoy myself and not worry about being ill - it's weird really, it's as if I can't allow myself that pleasure. There is always something that happens health wise before I go away and there is a mad rush to sort it before I go or I know it will spoil the holiday. I wish I could be like other people who go away even knowing that they may have to have tests or investigations after they get back - I just couldn't bear the thought of that, I would rather cancel a holiday!! It's bizarre behaviour I know.

28-03-14, 18:47
I have serious health anxiety, even though when I had abdominal pain and even though the GPs I saw did their best gave me reassurance that I did not have the big c word and even sending me for scans as well just to proof I was okay.

I have CBT in the past it did not help me but trying group CBT. My parents even hide that my Dad was doing his 2nd bowel screening because of his age earlier this year which can back fine.

28-03-14, 19:10
Im always questioning my gp's opinion. Not so much anymore as i have to learn to trust them or i'd go mental lol. i refused to leave my doctors room once till he agreed to listen to my heart lol. So he booked an ecg to humour me.