View Full Version : things just go from bad to worse

28-03-14, 18:20
Been banging on about my stomach for ages fear of stomach cancer is terrible however doing ok on 30 mg lansoprazole but since Mon had bad right shoulder blade pain I have fibromyalgia and have had right and to a smaller degree left sided rib pain for three or four years but today I ate a fatty meal and the shoulder pain came on with a vengeance for about two hours it hurt then I sprayed deep heat spray on it and it's less painful but I'm worried about gallbladder issues now I am told when it fully kicks in its agony I'm scared can anyone give me their experiences and opinions I'm desperate is it gb or muscular all blood and liver tests normal on 5th March Help

28-03-14, 19:27
ive got similar symptoms to you
stomach ache after eating, pain in right shoulder and ribs
pain in back and have just had a blood test done which one doctor told me needed to be done again as it indicated a hi amylase level, poss. my pancreas...........
well this set me into a panic and I had to go back in and speak to my usual doctor who said he wasnt in the slightest bit concerned about my blood test and there wasnt really any need to have a follow up done...........been told its not my gall bladder either.......
sorry not very helpfull, but I do know how you feel. Have you told your doctor how worried you are? I have said it on here before, but we really shouldnt be ashamed of going to the doctors and saying exactly how scared we are of our symptoms.
They have heard it all before and its not because we are stupid or crazy, its because we are ill.........
sending you calm thoughts, a big hug and lots of love. Xxxxx

---------- Post added at 19:27 ---------- Previous post was at 19:18 ----------

I think its anxiety, fear and just the muscles tensing around your middle.....x

28-03-14, 19:39
Thanks for your kindness ninnie I don't know what's up with me I am coming off antidepressants and am now at ten mgs fibromyalgia is agony but I keep thinking it's something else I just give in I'm so fed up of crappy symptoms I didn't have amylase done I had alt ast and bilirubin all ok and bloods just can t fight much longer one thing after another

28-03-14, 20:07
Why are you coming off your medication?
Surely if you feel bad, you are not ready.
Better to stay on your meds for a little longer and get better than to come off early only to have to go back on them later.
I am pretty sure I will never come off mine, but its ok......:yesyes:

28-03-14, 20:07
hi, i had my gallbladder problems about 4 years ago I was very sick and had diarrhoea as well as really bad pains, I had these symptoms for about 12 months before it become obvious that it was my gallbladder that was the problem.
It all came to a head one Saturday morning while I was at work, I felt really ill after a very yummy but fatty meal out the night before. I knew I needed to go to hospital where I spent the next week as I had an badly infected gallbladder. I had loads of pills and had to wait about 12 weeks until it settled down before I could have it removed via keyhole surgery.
I wish i had tried a long term low fat diet and not had my gallbladder removed as i have had lots of digestive issues since its removal. I hope you feel better soon X:smile:

28-03-14, 20:56

I know where you coming from, I'm a fellow sufferer of fibromyalgia. Mines has been flaring up terribly of late, pain everywhere, sucks big time when you have anxiety as well as every twinge / pain and the mind is racing. I haven't been great since turn of year, bloody long 3 months!!! Came off my meds late last year and my fibro/anxiety came back with a vengeance (was very stressed due to workload as well so that was just another trigger). Doc started me back on meds, but wanted to try amitriptyline this time as we haven't tried that and would be good for my sleeping/head dullness. Only at the end of week 2 and even though it's just a small dose the side effects were kicking my butt a bit, nothing too major and think I am almost over them, certainly getting some great sleep!! Hope you feel better soon, perhaps going back on meds may help, I hate them but have come to realise fibro is easier when on them. Take Care.


28-03-14, 22:00
Thanks for your support guys I'm coming off citalopram after 8 years and 4 years on 40mg as it had stopped working I'm supposed to be starting Cymbalta duloxetine) when I get off cit. Fibromyalgia is agony and my rib cage and hips have been the worst I just thought its a, gallbladder issue cos you can get pain in shoulder blade I.get my doc to check it this week it's taken me from November to now to get to 10mg been hard can't give in now if this pain is fibromyalgia I won't be getting any pain relief with tens anyway I am covering myself in heat spray which makes me think if it was gb would pain go away just hate how one symptom goes away to be replaced by another I hate HA so much :mad:blush:

29-03-14, 08:50
Oh dear Lord I'm really in a state now I've been reading shoulder blade pain and it gives Lung cancer as a cause I have had a wheezy cough for a long time my Mum died of lung cancer 16 years ago and my Mum in law last year and my Mum in law had bad shoulder pain oh my God what if it's that I'm so so scared now

29-03-14, 09:24
Oh dear.......
sorry about your mum. Its hard when you lose a parent. Lost my dead 12 years ago and im still missing him. My hubby has been coughing for 2 years now and been tested, poked and prodded and theres nothing wrong. So just because the ads on tv are concentrating on the whole lung cancer thing, dont get yourself too hung up about it.........easy for me to say.
funny, my symptoms say poss. Lung cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatitus....etc.
have you got someone you can confide in with you? I think this site is gr8, but sometimes I wish I could reach over the net. And give people a hug.:hugs:

29-03-14, 09:40

Shoulder blade pain as you know is a big big area of pain among fibromyalgia suffers, me especially. As for the cough, when did it start? Could you possible have a touch of cold, do you smoke, an allergy to something or has it subconsciously started when the adverts started on TV, the adverts don't help HA suffers as every advert at moment seems to be for lung cancer, bowel cancer, when stroke strikes etc etc. make an appointment with doctors if your cough persists. As you are dropping meds your fibro will be playing up causing all sorts of aches and pains, then topping it off with high anxiety and stress your going to get pain. Try not to google symptoms, I dare say if I typed in "just farted" and looked hard enough it would tell me it's a symptom of some cancer/disease when in fact the only symptom is a a stern look and a "must you" from the better half!!! Take Care


29-03-14, 13:17
Thanks for your support ninnie when I laugh a lot I cough and wheeze been going on a long time now had cold since Feb and flu before that had normal bloods done 5th March just more scared cos of Mum and Mum in law have never smoked though Barrym thanks for your rationale it helps a lot would deep Heat ease or take pain away if it's cancer my friend said no I just hope she's right I hope it's fibromyalgia even though I hate it finding it hard to cope

29-03-14, 18:50
I've tried not to think about it all day it's hard but I'm going to drive myself batty apparently it's called the rhomboid muscle where your shoulder blade is I've been reading about my fibromyalgia maybe it's that God I hope so I can't face anything else at present my dad's fighting leukaemia I can't cope with much else sorry to moan it's just fear

31-03-14, 01:58
Awake at almost 2am can't sleep shoulder blade pain Really sore had a hot bath yesterday helped a lot been asleep for 2 hours now wide awake I'm scared of lung cancer my Mum had it and I'm sure I've got it I'm scared goin.g to docs asap to get a chest x Ray can't cope with this fear any more supposed to start my new Antidepressants soon but petrified of doing that will my health and anxiety ever get any better I feel so awful .

31-03-14, 20:39
Went to gp today told her all about my shoulder blade pain she examined me she thinks it's muscular then I told her my cough and cold are still lingering from Feb and I am wheezy told her I'm scared of lung cancer she's sending me for an x Ray I can go tomoz when I'm not at work she seems to think it's fibromyalgia and that is caused by coming off my antidepressants I hope to God she's right I'm so so frightened any advice

---------- Post added at 19:39 ---------- Previous post was at 18:15 ----------

Just can't settle so stressed and anxious what will I do if it's lung cancer OMG I'm afraid trying to way up what symptoms I've had and not had terrified started on new Antidepressants tonight too maybe they will help so scared for tommorow

31-03-14, 21:20

Sorry to hear your still not feeling great. Good that you went to doctors today, as she said I think it's a mixture of fibromyalgia, coming off AD and increased anxiety of starting new AD. Fibro and HA are one hell of a mix, as I posted before shoulder blade pain is one of my worst fibro symptoms, comes right through and gives me discomfort and pain in chest as well. At the moment it's my tension headaches that's causing me problems, coming from my neck and shoulders, difficult to be rational and try to accept that's what it is without thinking of all the other things my mind is trying to tell me!!! The mind is a powerful tool, I think yours is playing as well. Try to stay calm and accept it's that damn fibro that's causing the pain, I know it's difficult, but once your back on the meds, had your X-ray things will settle down. Take Care


31-03-14, 21:54
Barrym you are kind I'm scared to death of the chest X Ray result my Mum died of lung cancer 16 years ago and my Mum in law last June doc thinks it's fibromyalgia as it hurts on the surface I hope she's right God do I it's so hard changing meds trying my best to be positive but so hard it helps you have fibromyalgia symptoms you can tell me about do you get rib pain too I have it on both sides I've had it about 3 years now slightly worse on right side but sore on both I've had cold and cough on and off for a few months but I think everyone has due to crap weather thanks for being there it helps are you on any meds and have you ever changed them

31-03-14, 22:26

This would be a long post if I was to list where I get pain due to my fibro lol, but yes I have had rib pain, think the only place I haven't had pain is my ear lobes!! It shifts about but has always been constant in my back ( upper around the shoulder blades), wrists and right elbow. Had a lot of pain in left hand collar bone last week but this has now gone. Have had dull headache now for what seems an enternity and get the sharp shooting pain in head now and again. I was on paroxatine for years but stupidly decided to stop this late last year, was hell coming off but managed it, didn't take long for my fibro and anxiety to rear it's head again and kick my ass, still trying to get it under control at moment but hopefully won't be much longer. Went back on meds 3 weeks ago ( doctor wanted me to try amitriptyline this time (good for headaches, sleeping etc). As you will know sleep is one of the most important things for fibro suffers as usually we don't get good restful sleep (stage 4) where the body and mind heals itself, the new meds are slowly working, certainly getting much better sleep. The side effects kicked my butt a bit, fibro sufferers are usually sensitive to meds and their side effects, but they are easing off, just have to push through it to feel the benefit. I had my days recently thinking I couldn't do them and had to stop but I just kept thinking of the long term benefit which is starting slowly to come now. I know how difficult it can be and also that there is different levels of severity of fibro - mild / moderate / severe ( I would class myself as moderate) but if you need any info or just some help to get through the next couple of weeks until everything settles down please don't hesitate to ask. Take Care


01-04-14, 04:08
Thanks Barrym you have helped so much I've been 8 years on. Citalopram and tonight I started Duloxetine as former no longer worked for for me I have cancer phobia made worse by loss of several family and friends this whole phobia has in essence ruined my life for eleven years and that's time I can never get back I hate it so much I'm a shadow of the person I was I need to face my demons today go for chest x Ray and await the result I fear this so much but needs must if I am to sort myself out .You have suffered Barrym I hope that all your symptoms and issues are sorted I wish you well God bless and thank you x

---------- Post added 01-04-14 at 03:08 ---------- Previous post was 31-03-14 at 23:28 ----------

Can't sleep on these new ads woken up every 2 hours hope they don't do this too much I'm getting up really early to go for my x Ray quicker done quicker I know but I'm pretty sure anyway now just terrified to hear it confirmed I'm in such a terrible state

01-04-14, 10:35
Just been and had the chest x Ray done they did not say anything except it would take a few days to report but I 85 Percent know the answer anyway I think I have lung cancer and I think I'm going to get a phone call saying there's something on x Ray God I'm scared my first night duloxetine apart from being sleepless seemed to be ok just need a clear x Ray please Lord

01-04-14, 10:56
Tracieann. I am sorry you are feeling so bad. Your doctor does not seem too concerned so take comfort in that. Your imagination is running away with you. I am sure the xray will come back clear and then you will be able to put this all behind you. I do know what its like to be feeling so desperate an I wish I could say something to make you feel better. Take care x

01-04-14, 11:01
[U[/U]Thanks humly just in a right old state so scared with my family history I'm terrified but all I can do is wait and hope xXxX thanks again:lac:

04-04-14, 15:11
had some good news my chest x ray is clear oh im so happy about that as my lung cancer fear had got massive what a relief im so pleased doc checked my throat too and said virus is doing the rounds where people have horrible snotty throat clearing cough for ages so I feel better now im concerned about my duloxetine ive started this drug four days ago and don't have a wee wee half as much my lower back aches and I feel crappy and nauseous apparently this tab makes gastritis worse which is not what I need im not that impressed to be honest having a lot of hot sweats too but that might be the menopause don't know whether just to leave it as its only been 4 days and see if im better on Prozac or something else please can anyone advise:shrug:also I don't want to eat and have lost another 2lbs that's five altogether

04-04-14, 15:12
Have a word with your doctor about the meds:)

04-04-14, 15:14
im seeing her Monday Phuzella would you carry on or stop for now im still weaning off 8mg citalopram

04-04-14, 15:23
I don't know anything about meds sorry. Could you ring the doc for advice about it?