View Full Version : Can anyone have a chat with me please?

28-03-14, 23:28
Hi there, :weep:

A weird thing happen to me this morning while in bed, I'm not 100% sure of what I remember but, all I remember was I was shaking, I was aware that It was happening and was aware that I said something, on the lines of WTF during it, I also looked at my hands, and it was shaking a little as well, the feelings lasted no longer than 6-8 seconds!

I also remember that I was sleeping/dreaming before, and after I realised what had happen, I couldn't remember anything during that dream,

the shaking stopped as soon as I fully woke up and started getting frightened,

Also, it happen when I was on my back, I never sleep on my back, so don't know how I got on it!
Usually I wake go to bed on my side and wake up on my side!

I'm scared it was a seizure or something, I'm not sure what it was, need help to figure this out!

28-03-14, 23:52
Are you sure you werent just dreaming the whole time?
Do you suffer with panic attacks?
I have had a lot of really weird experiences with panic attacks, phoning nhs direct and my mum in the middle of the night cos I could see funny lights and rainbows in my room....ive had blurry vision and feelings of complete terror for no reason, my legs used to seize up before i walked into a busy shopping centre.......:blush:
The mind is a very powerful thing and can trick us into believing all sorts of stuff.

---------- Post added at 23:52 ---------- Previous post was at 23:50 ----------

my bed used to shake too......I thout it was an earthquake, but I guess it was all in my head.....:hugs:

29-03-14, 00:04
Are you sure you werent just dreaming the whole time?
Do you suffer with panic attacks?
I have had a lot of really weird experiences with panic attacks, phoning nhs direct and my mum in the middle of the night cos I could see funny lights and rainbows in my room....ive had blurry vision and feelings of complete terror for no reason, my legs used to seize up before i walked into a busy shopping centre.......:blush:
The mind is a very powerful thing and can trick us into believing all sorts of stuff.

---------- Post added at 23:52 ---------- Previous post was at 23:50 ----------

my bed used to shake too......I thout it was an earthquake, but I guess it was all in my head.....:hugs:

I really have no idea ninnie, basically, I was having a nice dream then I woke up to me shaking for 6 seconds, I was on my back, which is strange as I always sleep on my sides, before the shakes stopped, I remember raising my arms to see if it was shaking too, I also remember saying What the F!!! then the next thing I know, I'm awake and I'v completely forgotten what I dreamt about and looked at my alarm clock, it was 7:24am, then I turned back to sleep, then a few second later, I stay awake for an hour being scared and thinking about what the hell just happened, then went back to sleep at 8:30, and woke up at 12!

29-03-14, 00:40

I also never sleep on my back and last week I did because I wanted to find a new sleeping position to see if it help my back pain.

I woke up in the middle of the night in cold sweat with both hand numb and tightly gripped to nothing. I was also trying to take a breath and could not do anything for 2-3 second.

I tell you, weird things happen to back sleeper! :shrug:

(I'm now sleeping on my side..)

29-03-14, 00:55
It could have been when you were coming out of a nightmare maybe.

Seizures split into different types, not all of them are related to epilepsy. Diassociative seizures for instance are classed as psychological and are listed as a possibility for stress and anxiety. The epilepsy society have a site with excellent descriptions.

If you feel it is a seizure, consult your doctor. A scan will be required to rule out epilepsy and a neurologist will determine the type of seizures.

29-03-14, 01:10
Are you sure you werent just dreaming the whole time?
Do you suffer with panic attacks?
I have had a lot of really weird experiences with panic attacks, phoning nhs direct and my mum in the middle of the night cos I could see funny lights and rainbows in my room....ive had blurry vision and feelings of complete terror for no reason, my legs used to seize up before i walked into a busy shopping centre.......:blush:
The mind is a very powerful thing and can trick us into believing all sorts of stuff.

---------- Post added at 23:52 ---------- Previous post was at 23:50 ----------

my bed used to shake too......I thout it was an earthquake, but I guess it was all in my head.....:hugs:


I also never sleep on my back and last week I did because I wanted to find a new sleeping position to see if it help my back pain.

I woke up in the middle of the night in cold sweat with both hand numb and tightly gripped to nothing. I was also trying to take a breath and could not do anything for 2-3 second.

I tell you, weird things happen to back sleeper! :shrug:

(I'm now sleeping on my side..)

It could have been when you were coming out of a nightmare maybe.

Seizures split into different types, not all of them are related to epilepsy. Diassociative seizures for instance are classed as psychological and are listed as a possibility for stress and anxiety. The epilepsy society have a site with excellent descriptions.

If you feel it is a seizure, consult your doctor. A scan will be required to rule out epilepsy and a neurologist will determine the type of seizures.

Also something similar happen exactly 21st March 2013, never had that again till today 28th March 2014!
The last one was before going to sleep, this one is after waking up!

What are the chances! Epilepsy is my strongest fear!

Here is the thread I started this time last year! wow!


29-03-14, 22:29
I really have no idea ninnie, basically, I was having a nice dream then I woke up to me shaking for 6 seconds, I was on my back, which is strange as I always sleep on my sides, before the shakes stopped, I remember raising my arms to see if it was shaking too, I also remember saying What the F!!! then the next thing I know, I'm awake and I'v completely forgotten what I dreamt about and looked at my alarm clock, it was 7:24am, then I turned back to sleep, then a few second later, I stay awake for an hour being scared and thinking about what the hell just happened, then went back to sleep at 8:30, and woke up at 12!

Having re read what you said, I think you probably dreamt raising your arms and the shaking and actually woke up at 7.24am. Then you got spooked and stayed awake for a bit and then went back to sleep. If you really are concerned that you had some sort of seizure, go and see your doctor. I know its really scarey to consider a diagnosis of epilepsy, but better to get it checked out and get an all clear.....(most likely outcome), or get treatment for it.........than to leave it and worry if and when it might happen again..xxx

30-03-14, 06:32
It could be related to your anxiety. Since your doctor doesn't believe it fits to epilepsy, it could be psychogenic.

I've pasted in some things about this which might be something to consider.

I knew someone who had one of these on day. He had all the tests and the neurologist confirmed it wasn't epilsepy so was one of these. From there it was all advice about our old friend, anxiety.

So, maybe it's just come from that as anxiety sufferers are in the group that can experience them.

Psychogenic NES
Some NES have a psychological cause and are called ‘psychogenic seizures’ because they are caused by the impact of thoughts and feelings on the way that the brain works.
Psychogenic seizures include:

Dissociative seizures are involuntary and happen unconsciously. The person has no control over them and they are not ‘put on’. This is the most common type of NES.
Panic attacks are a psychiatric condition. They can happen in frightening situations, when remembering previous frightening experiences or in a situation that the person expects to be frightening. Panic attacks can cause sweating, palpitations (being able to feel your heartbeat), trembling and difficulty breathing. The person may also lose consciousness and may shake (convulse).
Factitious seizures happen under some conscious control. An example of this is when seizures form part of Münchausen’s Syndrome, a rare psychiatric condition where a person is

more common in people with other psychiatric conditions (such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders or people who self-harm).

30-03-14, 08:53
I had 'rainbows in my room' once! And weird looking things that happened when suddenly woken from a dream. The GP said they were 'hypnogogic hallucinations'. They freaked me out at the time, but now I know what they are I think they are quite pretty. Swirling colours, like 60's psychedelic stuff, also spiderwebs, flashing pink and green triangles, geometric shapes and patterns & odd lights floating around my room, but mostly I get what looks like algebra /equations! (Bit like the matrix code) Sounds nutty I know, but hypnogogic or hypnopompic hallucinations are quite common, I believe. They don't scare me any more. I have a lot. (I have severe sleep deprivation - maybe that's why!) x

My daughter has severe multiple seizure type epilepsy and my father was diagnosed with epilepsy but what he had was 'cough syncope' which is basically a faint after coughing (or laughing in his case) which can sometimes look like a tonic clonic seizure. Really weird! The brain does odd things between sleeping and waking. If you are worried pop along to your doctor. That's why they are there! X

30-03-14, 09:10
Hi i have had the same thing happen a few times i literally feel like my whole body is shaking, i have been told its stress/anxiety related. I hate it its quite scary as you are just laying in bed and your whole body is shaking. Maybe try going back to sleeping on your side and listen to some soothing music before you nod off to sleep that might help relax you. You will be ok x

31-03-14, 09:47
I have weird things too.

I am currently going through awful fears that I have epilepsy and if so, fearing it's a brain tumour.

I have been getting a sort of deja vu feeling. Very difficult to explain, but basically I get these moments where I feel like I'm remembering something from a dream, but can't quite grasp them. Of course I googled and am now in a state.

My doctor isn't concerned but...

This morning when I woke up I kept remembering my dream as I lay there. It was very vivid and felt generally odd. I'm trying to remind myself that I have had all these feelings before over the years, but they still scare me. I think it's the fact that I can't explain things clearly that freak me out.


01-04-14, 01:12
Sarah, dreams can be much more vivid in you suffer from anxiety or depression. Some anti depressants have this side effect too.

So, if your dreams are much more vivid, its more likely that you will remember them as you wake.