View Full Version : Oral cancer??

29-03-14, 02:30
I know I post some silly questions here, but I'm seriously convinced about everything lol. Okay. So my doctor says I have a gum infection. It is sore, swollen (but going down with antibiotics) but has turned white around the edge! Also, my throat is scratchy and hoarse. I am completely convinced this is oral cancer! Could I be right? Am I crazy? Has anyone else had this?
Also an awful taste in my mouth but that could be from the infection if it's not cancer?

29-03-14, 02:52
Well I can definately say that you aren't crazy, just anxious.

Its being treated and healing, cancer wouldn't heal like that.

Your doctor believes it to be an infection and you know its healing so does it make sense to see what its like in a few days time? If all is well then, you know your doctor was right.

If it doesnt heal, you've got to go back to the doctors anyway so you can raise the subject.

29-03-14, 02:56
I dunno, I keep trying to convince myself it's okay but at the same second, I feel so scared that it is. =/ But if it is maybe it's early and I'll survive if I wait a week?

29-03-14, 05:00
When you saw your doctor he would know what to look for. Did he/she examine the area? If so, they daignosed an infection and like you say, it's getting better.

It seems that you are worried because it has changed since and the taste and hoarseness. Hoarseness can be all sorts of things (anyone can get it from loads of minor things from overuse of voice to not getting enough liquids) so if it's gone tomorrow, it's gone. I'm not sure what the taste issue is, it could be something from the medication or even the infection itself.

Ultimately, it's up to the doctor to check it. It may be much better by Monday though?

29-03-14, 13:26
Cancer doesn't get better with antibiotics.

Positive thoughts