View Full Version : googlecondria

miss diagnosis
30-11-06, 13:08
this might reasure some of you. Just been on google. I have the symptoms of every single cancer including prostate cancer which would be extremely difficult for me to get being a girl and all.
So there you go. I have more symtoms of lukemia then the others but I still have at least 2 symptoms of them all. I guess id be dead by now if i had cancer of everywhere!!!!!

30-11-06, 13:19
Hi,Well done on realising googling is bad news.There are so many illnesses that have the same symptoms,you would end up having allsorts.Googling makes people more anxious.Take it from someone who knows!!!!!:)

Ellen XX

30-11-06, 13:24
I have just given up my "google myself to death". It's a pretty stressful hobby!!!

Today my headache is just a headache but last week it was an enormous illness going to kill me..

Stu M
30-11-06, 13:43

I totally agree, I havent googled!! since ive joined this forum.

Its got to be a good thing.


30-11-06, 13:46
Haha! Today in one of my anxious moments, I did my usual "honey. Do I have a brain tumor?" to my boyfriend.
He replies with: "no.. but honey.. you might have prostate cancer."
I looked at him funny and he goes
"I bet you have some symptoms. Go on, google them!"
And I did. :p

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


30-11-06, 16:16
Im the same...since discivering this site I no longer Google (s'ept for Xmas prezzies)


01-12-06, 20:50
Yep, I'm a googler too. If I felt a pain or symptom somewhere that didn't go aware I'd catch myself googling cancer of that part of the body. You know, identifying the disease and matching my symptoms to it rather than identifying an illness from the symptoms themselves.

It's a tough habit to break

01-12-06, 21:44
I google...or used to all! the time until I realised it was making me feel worse.
It's sometimes diffiicult to stop looking up every single symptom but this site has really reassured me and made me feel like I should stop worrying quite as much as I do...still hard to do...but I've definatlely stopped the Googling!!!

02-12-06, 20:10
God I just can't stop. I posted yesterday about Googlechondria. I know it's a problem. I know it's a trigger.

Recently noticed that when I bend forward I get a whoosy noise in one ear (my problem ear which has been the bane of my life for the last 6 months.) Since spotting it, I've been there on Google convincing myself this is Meniere's Disease at best and Ear Cancer at worst. Despite the fact I've no vertigo. Despite the fact I've seen 4 doctors, 1 ENT consultant and a jaw specialist who are all qualified professionals, I still believe someone's blog on Google that's all doom and gloom.

Agh! Will I never learn?

Maybe we should convince our doctors to set up blogs...that way we might believe em! :D

03-12-06, 03:35
I'm a googler too. I think we feel this way because it's hard for us to convince ourselves otherwise. That's why its easy to accept the google diagnosis because you feel something is wrong and it confirms it. You go to the doctor and find out it's anxiety and you have to convince yourself of that in order to feel better. One is easy and one is hard.

03-12-06, 09:54
hi folks
thank god ive never googled and i never will my health anxiety is bad enough thanks very much! why do we nearly allways beleive the n
egative and hardly take on board the positive?

12-12-06, 21:19
I can confidently say that all my problems started by googling my symptoms 5 months ago. Until that point I would have just passed of my aches/pains/feelings down to being under the weather. Unfortunately I got addicted to the practice of googling for upto 6 hours a day and I diagnosed myself with every illness, disease and complication known to medical science. It's a crazy thing to do but most of us do it I spose just to try and find some re-assurance and it always turns out the opposite. I took myself to A&E last week because I was so fed up with my own surgery not taking me seriously about how I felt and dragging their feet over blood tests I had asked for. I got the blood tests I wanted and had a full examination by a very caring and compassionate Dr. My tests were all ok thank God and she had 5 things to say to me with regards to my anxiety and stress.

1) Cut down on the amount I'm drinking (due to stress)
2) Cut down (better still stop) smoking (stress again)
3) Take exercise to reduce stress levels.
4) Get myself back into full time work even if voluntary
5) Quit using google as a Dr !!!!!!!

Odd really cos I never mentioned at any point that I had been googling myself to death. She told me the amount of people she sees with symptoms of Googlitis is on the increase. I have now banned Google from this laptop totally and been Google Free for 3 days now. Just goota sort the other 4 recommendations out and i should be fixed :D

12-12-06, 21:24
I have just replied to the other Google post. Its so annoying, they shouldnt have symptoms on the internet for the general public to view!

Why dont we all take a minute and use Google in a good way?!!! LOL I like to go to the "images" search and look for teacup chihuahuas. Go on, do it. I dare you. I will make you smile. :D

If I lived in LA I would soooo have a tiny chihuahua...[Sigh...]

"Smile Like You Mean It"

13-12-06, 08:51
oh I'm glad I'm not the only one. The amount of tests I've put myself through this year - blood tests, mri, ENT specialist now a cystoscopy tomorrow coz I'm worried about recurrent cystitis and having goggled it, now scared I've got bladder cancer [V] This year has been bad for googling - it's so hard to stop.

Every twinge I get I google it and within a few pages of reading, I can always find a cancer link - it drives me mad. I only got like this after losing my dad to cancer (although his cancer was typical of a man who smokes and has a high fat diet), i now have a fear of cancer.

I MUST STOP GOOGLING..................

piglits pal
13-12-06, 15:45
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Im the same...since discivering this site I no longer Google (s'ept for Xmas prezzies)


<div align="right">Originally posted by mooks - 30 November 2006 : 16:16:28</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I'm the same. First thing I did after I joined this place was kick the Google habit. It's hard but it's definitely a positive step.

13-12-06, 17:37
Your deffinately not alone ! I'm sure that most of my health anxiety attacks are to do with Googling symptoms. Every single time I ever go on there and put in any symptom it always comes back with a cancer related illness. I don't think I have ever had a result back that didn't.

I lost both my parents to it in a short space of time, be it that they were both in their 70's. My father was ill for many years and actually he died of a heart attack rather than the cancer which had only just been diagnosed. I was my mums full time carer at home till the very end when she died in my arms. I've suffered so much and still suffering so bad inside. It scares the hell out of me going anywhere Google but it's hard not to.

15-12-06, 10:49
hahah google chondria id never heard of it before but i can totally relate , however for me its been more help than hindrance . i will explain . the ground rule for me is that to have an illness i need to have 9 out of 10 of the symptons and for a long time time one or two days doesnt count . so yeah ive googled and i found that most of the illnesses i cant possibly have and those that i think are really a possibility i go to the Dr and ask about . im also working on the principle that if anything bad really was wrong id be dead by now so whatever is wrong with me isnt going to kill me and if its not going to kill me no point dragging myself to the doctors . deep down i still am scared but outwardly im tough!
i have a lump in my breast , been there since august as i was at the dr for something else i mentioned it and Dr said not to worry but to see my GP so end of november i finally went
told Dr its nothing but just cos my anxiety makes everything bigger than it needs to be i figured id get u to look at it . so she does , says ah its nothing but then then books me into the breat clinic so i go 1 week later Dr looks says ah its nothing but i need u to have an ultrasound thats in january ,
by gum what was the point in me trying so hard not to be anxious when the Drs making me worse if its nothing why all the flippin tests grrrr