View Full Version : I think i'm dying, please help :(

29-03-14, 17:31
Hey everyone, i'm a 20 year old male and i know i shouldn't be scared of dying at my age but i really think i'm going to die soon, i suffer from GAD and i've been on Sertaline 50mg for nearly 2 weeks now, i'm tired most of the time and all i want to do is sleep or lie in bed, i sweat for no reason and i haven't been eating much for a few days, i done a stupid thing and googled signs of dying and some of the signs were excessive tiredness and loss of appetite so now i think i'm dying, i even thought i had heart problems earlier because of chest pain last night but i had an ecg scan 2/3 weeks ago and it came back that i was fine, i'm now convinced that i'm dying and i'm really scared :( what should i do?

29-03-14, 17:43
Ross extreme tiredness and loss of appetite are also symptoms of anxiety ,please dont google we all know he tells you the worst if you have a spot its an abcess a headache is a bt ,it doesnt tell you you okay ,and whats the chances of dying at your age very low xx

29-03-14, 17:46
Thanks for replying Mrs Stress, yeah i know these are symptoms of anxiety and they're also possible side effects of my medication but in my mind i'm dying lol :( i know i shouldn't have googled it, i really wish i didn't! I hate google lol

29-03-14, 17:55
Every single physical symptom is probably related to some kind of terminal illness, so if you google, you'll find a possibility you're dying. Guaranteed.

Every single person on here will have had exactly the same symptoms as you have at some point. In most cases the same symptoms plus a raft of others.

If you're concerned about something, then go to the GP. He/she's actually qualified to diagnose you :shades:

29-03-14, 17:57
Thanks for replying Mrs Stress, yeah i know these are symptoms of anxiety and they're also possible side effects of my medication but in my mind i'm dying lol :( i know i shouldn't have googled it, i really wish i didn't! I hate google lol

Your welcome Ross I bet most of us have googled lol and thought we were dying strange thing is we all still here :yahoo:

29-03-14, 19:29
Hi Ross sorry ur struggling I'm in same boat but had an interesting phone call with mental health team I told woman I feel odd more than usual and that I can't put my finger on it but I feel as if I'm dying she said not one person with rational thinking has ever said I feel unwell , I must be dying from x y or z there mind will say cold , or some kind of bug then they will forget about it like u I'm convinced something is building up to happen to me and that all my tests and docs are wrong it's a horrible dark place to be having health anxiety , hope u keep well x

29-03-14, 20:09
If these feelings have increased since the sertraline, it's probably that. Sweating, lethargy, decreased appetite and increased anxiety are all common side effects. SSRIs are used for anxiety because they don't have the dependence problems of benzodiazepines, but they're hit and miss and some people don't react well. You could give it another week, if you think you can handle it, to see if you adapt better cos many people have a hard time with them at first, but then you'd need to go back to your doctor and see what they think. Discontinue immediately and go to your doctor if you start to feel abnormally depressed or suicidal, lose your appetite completely, or develop any other extreme symptoms.

30-03-14, 12:15
Thanks for the reply iainm & Freaked :) iain i know exactly how you feel! I've got it stuck in my head that something bad is coming my way and i can't get rid of it :( and now that you mention it Freaked i wasn't this bad until i started the Sertaline, i'm having a phone call with my GP tomorrow so i'm gonna tell her everything and hopefully she can help me because i don't know how much longer i can take this :(