View Full Version : Almost dizzy?

29-03-14, 22:12
Hiya guys.

I suffer from GAD. On monday I was sat on my PC and i moved my head to glace at something on the TV. When I did this I went dizzy for a moment. I jumped out my chair and sat on the sofa, then boom i had a panic attack pretty much out of nowhere.

Since then I have been feeling sick, having pain in myc hest with burning acid stuff in my throat. However the worse is these little split second dizzy/lightheadded spells. It litally lasts a second or two. Its not even proper dizziness, its sorta weird feeling, when your half asleep and half awake.

Of cause when this happens, I'm conviced im having a heart attack, as I start to hear my heart beating in my ears, then check my pulse..and that panicy feeling ensues..a vicous circle.

I have a deep phoba of doctors due to another issue, so I'm too scared to go to the doctors. I have spoken to my local chemist who says it could be some sort of ghastro bug going around, but I don't really believe thats my issue, I have not been sick, just felt sick..And these moments of light headdedness..Ive never had that with a tummy bug.

Quite honestly Im crapping myself, and looking on Doctor Google aint helping, even though I keep doing it.

I went walking around the local nature reserve thursday, without getting out of breath or nothing, so logically the chance of getting a heart attack is slim? I dunno, I'm at my whits ends :(

ANy ideas, or do anyone else suffer this? Or indeed have a tummy bug like that if that is the case?


29-03-14, 22:26
I don't have health anxiety. I no longer get panic attacks.
But I've been having those split second dizzy spells too for about a week.
Can't work it out, odd.
I'm functioning 100%
Just baffled.
Prob a passing virus. Be gone soon.

29-03-14, 22:59
i just posted on your other thread kain. xx

29-03-14, 23:44
Have replied Lisa :)

Oosh, it's driving me mad :(

30-03-14, 10:26
Man I feel even worse today, completely fatigued, just like when you have a flu and you feel all weak and tired.

Yet I have no flu symptoms. I know at this rate im going to have to see a doctor, which when you have a phobia of quacks..yeah this is becomming a nightmare :(