View Full Version : Oh no I'm poorly :(

30-03-14, 07:37
Caught the kids sickness bug and feel rough. Vomited in the night and now my tummy is all gross. Burnt my throat, all normal, not worried.
However my pulse is fast and I feel shaky. Is this normal? It's 110ish. Should I be worried? :(
I have been proper ill like with an actual bug for ages do not sure what is normal.

30-03-14, 10:05
Hi mummyanxious

Im sure you dont need to worry and the shakey, pulse racing stuff is just anxiety.
even tho you say your not worried, if youre anything like me, you still have that little but oh so powerful niggling thought in the back of your mind saying what if its something really bad? Also, maybe it just a little bit of panic, because you just dont like being unwell.
you could call nhs direct, or you could just drink plenty of fluids and try to rest (assuming that someone can look after your kids etc.) and see how you feel as the day progresses. X

30-03-14, 10:11
I'm not anxious about it as I know its what the kids have had and my parents are ill too. So its all pretty standard stuff. Just every time I move my heart races. I feel all buzzy inside as well. Completely ruined Mother's Day. Just feel so lathargic and weak.
Last time I was sick was years ago so I'm not familiar with what happens to your body when you have a tummy bug. Maybe its normal for your pulse to be faster I don't know :(

30-03-14, 10:46
Oh you poor thing x Sorry to hear you have a bug - on Mother's day too! I hate D&V bugs x

30-03-14, 10:56
I'm so gutted we had a lovely day planned.
I'm really worried about the fast heart rate :( why do these things happen when the dr aren't open for advice :(
I know its just a bug that everyone had had in the family but I'm carastrophising. I've got a headache and hot flushes so must be meningitis. Agghhhh.
I don't even feel anxious though.
But my whole body is buzzing.
I don't even know if you can have a diazapam if you're poorly?

30-03-14, 11:55
Sounds like your body is stressed from the illness. It sounds normal to me. I can barely move when I get a stomach bug. Is it Mother's Day there?

30-03-14, 12:06
Yes it is RE and both me and my mum are ill :(
I'm so scared for my heart. It's about 85 when I'm lying down and when I sit up I feel really dizzy and it shoots up to 100. Then if I stand its like 120. It's normally like 60 when I'm resting.
I don't know what to do, I really keep thinking I'm going to die :( which is silly because its just a tummy bug.

30-03-14, 13:38
you will be fine mummyanxious it is jus a bug. When I was being sick, my heart raced pretty much all day too. Just the bodies way of protecting itself. Plus, your worrying turns into anxiety which makes your heart beat fast. Nothing to worry about :)

30-03-14, 13:45
Oddly I've only been sick once properly but my stomach is really bad. Attempted some food. Keep going hot and cold. Going up stairs to the toilet is wearing me out :(
Thanks panic :) hope you're ok

30-03-14, 13:50
Get well soon x

30-03-14, 16:10
I have been dealing with stomach issues all week and went to the dr last Monday. My pulse was 118 and he said it is a sign of dehydration so please make sure you are taking in plenty of fluids.

30-03-14, 19:11
Ah thanks for the advice. It's about 85 at the moment but I've not moved much all day. Just feel all buzzy inside :(

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 16:20 ----------

Oh no now my hands are itching and my feet occasionally. I'm paranoid my mouth is going weird too and I'm going to go into anaphylaxis!

30-03-14, 19:29
Anaphylaxis from what?

30-03-14, 19:36
The virus. I know I'm sounding crazy now!
Last year I had a virus where my skin started itching and every time I scratched it came up in massive lumps. I don't understand why I always itch with viruses :( so of citrate in thinking the worst again now.

---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 19:35 ----------

I am such a bad patient when I'm ill

30-03-14, 19:56
I thought antibiotics I took a while ago were causing anaphylaxis, I was convinced my face was swelling up but it wasn't, it was just me panicking:)

30-03-14, 23:20
Well itching has subsided for a while.
Now I'm feeling sick again since I had my tea :(
Had been feeling a bit better until I came up to bed and then I started sweating like mad, pulse racing again, yet my legs were icy cold?
This is some weird bug.

31-03-14, 02:51
I'm sorry stomach bugs are the worst! My son threw up tonight I am waiting for it to make its way around my home. Feel better:hugs: and happy mothers day