View Full Version : I've never been worse, in my whole life

Orange Lightning
30-03-14, 07:42
This is to certify that I've honestly never suffered in my whole life as much as the last few days. In the run up to a pH probe I have in the pipeline, I've been asked to stop all meds - Gaviscon Advance and Mirtazapine basically - and resume as normal a diet as possible. Ever since doing so I've become the worst I've ever been. What concerns me though is that if the probe comes back clear, who's going to believe me? I've even developed symptoms I've never had before now, all of which are related to (reflux) GERD and LPR:

- A foul taste every time I burp, or simply by lying on my right side. It gets up my nose, I can feel it trickling through my throat, and it tastes like honeydew melon - not sure if that's bitter - and smells like vomit.
- A lump in the throat every time I burp.
- Liquid every time I burp. Also tastes foul.
- Heartburn and nausea. Immediately strikes when lying on right side, which never used to happen.
- More post nasal drip than ever. Worse after burping.
- Trouble swallowing my own spit.
- Constant ear "infections" and a brief burning in the nose after burping.
- Foul smelling flatuence
- Feeling full quickly
- Sheer depression.

Surely with all these grotesque symptoms alone, I qualify for surgery, even if the probe comes back clear? That foul taste reminds me of baked beans almost, but I could only get it to vanish after washing my mouth out, after that it came back the next time I burped. Burping is the reflux as far as I'm concerned, but there's no way to stop me burping, so I can't be cured - just "masked."

Even as I type this, I just burped up more foul tasting liquid. Why? Just why?! I'm sorry to sound so desperate, but this test next week could make or break me. Whether it comes back positive or negative, I'm pushing for the right to end my suffering by any means necessary. I refuse to suffer an entire lifetime with this, taking drugs that don't actually prevent damage being caused; I wouldn't wish this on the worst person in the world.

30-03-14, 10:07
When is your test? Once you've had that they can start treating you again.

30-03-14, 10:34
I am suffering this awful like indegeztgen its driving me mad if I lay on my right the pain from it goes all round my back chest even my neck I am sick burning I feel full yet not really eaten hardly at will suffered anxiety over forty yes never had this like this I am sure I havent I no wen I am over anxiose I breath shallow that gives a simpler effect saying that tied past four days I have been well and truly over anxiose take care x