View Full Version : Help please!!

30-03-14, 10:00
Last night I thought far too deeply about the world wars (silly I know) and from around 11pm last night to 4am this morning I had horrific panic attacks in waves, thinking of images from WW1. I woke up this morning (about 2 hours ago now) in a panic and can't stop thinking about what it is that's throwing me into these intense panicks which are making me shake and almost vomit.

Please, I'm desperate, how can I stop thinking about these things?? How can I stop panicking?? I feel like it'll never stop and that I'll go mad thinking about these images.

30-03-14, 10:13
Cant tell you what to do from here on as im not a therapist, but I can tell you what you are feeling is normal obsessional behaviour and in itself nothing to fear. I know thats not much help, but sometimes I find accepting the feelings/scary thoughts etc. rather than trying to fight them takes their power away. Hope this helps x

30-03-14, 21:20
What is your diagnosis might I ask? I 'only' have panic and health anxiety, but I know how it is for bad world events to trigger panic attacks. What I find helpful is to say to myself that I'm not in a state of mind to think about those events right then, but I'll consider them sometime when I'm not feeling so bad. Knowing that I'm only deferring thinking about these serious things cos I physically can't and I'm not in a state to do them justice helps for some reason. Then I put a comedy on TV or talk to someone if I feel able to.

31-03-14, 00:53
Have you sort help from your doctor? You could try CBT, there is a free course on here somewhere.

I would also suggest relaxation techniques such as calming technique, progressive muscle relaxation and Mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness takes time to learn but it can help you break up obsessive thinking, and it can start to work to some degree when you start it.

Is there something specific that has led you to world wars e.g. current events, feeling unsafe, etc? I ask because obsessive thoughts are part of OCD and that comes as a result of another anxiety disorder.