View Full Version : Venlafaxine and apetite

30-03-14, 12:30
I am on my 3rd day of venlafaxine (75mg) and I have lost my apetite totally. I think I could do entire day without eating.

Yesterday I realized in the late afternoon that I haven't eaten anything all day and wasn't feeling hungry even by then. I forced myself to get some dinner, but not much. Still today, not feeling hungry at all.

Is this normal side effect which should subside?

30-03-14, 19:04
Hi when i started venlafaxine my appetite went completely too and i did suffer nausea for the first few days but it soon came back, try and take your venlafaxine pill with food as it can upset your tummy if taken on an empty stomach x x

01-04-14, 19:41
5th day on venlafaxine.

No signs of improvement, but no serious side effects either. Except the loss of appetite. Yesterday evening had a strange window of clear mind with some appetite. I was almost amazed, but today morning that feeling was long gone. I am not sure was it due to just a good luck, venlafaxine or oxazepam. Still using the latter daily to get through the days, but trying to keep the dosage to the minimum.

Hope this would start to settle any day soon...