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View Full Version : Wish these pins and needles would just go away!!!!

30-03-14, 12:51
As the title says, I'm struggling A LOT with pins and needles/tingling in what is mostly my left hand but now my right hand too and both feet.
It's worse at night. Last night I woke up with both hands being completely numb until I wiggled my fingers. I had wondered if it was carpal tunnel, but if it is it's come on pretty suddenly, about 5 weeks ago and it's getting progressively worse.
My other major concern is that it's a heart problem and my circulation is bad, I have good prominant veins though. I also have a constant but very slight ache in my upper left arm half way between my shoulder and elbow.
My blood pressure has been consistently high which my gp put down to anxiety and I had an ECG done in October and no and had a 24hr heart monitor fitted which were all fine.
I'm at my wits end as I've been feeling so much more upbeat in myself and pretty much back to normal, I've been addressing any stresses I have and making active steps to sort them out, it's just that this is getting worse.
Sorry for moaning :mad:

30-03-14, 22:19
Hi 3tikes yeah I can relate to you my hands are both like yours it wakes me up ,I Have to rub them till the feeling comes back ,seen my gp he isnt concerned its just a awful feeling isnt it ,Im getting use to it now ,its not to bad at the moment but my anxiety is alot better ,try not to think about it if you can otherwise it will feel worse xx

31-03-14, 00:13
I get this too recently. I wonder if it's just a part of aging.

31-03-14, 00:36
I would have someone look at the disks in your neck and back. Sometimes they can press on a nerve. Also if there is a test you can get to look at the circulation in your arm. And perhaps even a scan of some kind to get a better look inside.

The ache really makes me think it's a disk issue. A family member of mine had a lot of disk and back issues and would get numbness, weakness and tingling.

---------- Post added at 00:36 ---------- Previous post was at 00:35 ----------

Oh have you had blood work done up? Low b12 can cause numbness too.