View Full Version : Going away this weekend ....

30-11-06, 16:33
Its been booked before I became ill again...we're of to manchester Xmas shopping for 2 nights...can't let my Hubby down..but hey you guessed already anxious about being anxious up there...Went to New York in May was horrendous and hid in my hotel for 2 days....Just want to be normal xxx

30-11-06, 16:57
hi Mooks
dont worry m8 it wont be as bad as you think, i had to go away a couple of weeks ago and i reallly didnt need it the whole thought of the trip filed me dread,but then i thought if i go im gonna panic, if idont go im gonna panic,ive panicked on and off for years and survived so what the hell! i might as well go, so i did and it wasnt that bad in fact it done me some good because i realised i could cope again with a perfectly normal event and it made me another step closer to beating this awfull illness we all have,take it easy mooks and go with the flow

30-11-06, 17:28
Hey there Mooks...

Mick's right...although anxiety is horrendous one thing I have learned from all the useless councelling sessions I've had is that it's not real...there's no need to be anxious..what could possibly go wrong? Nothing really. I told my last councellor I got scared to go to Sainsburys and she said well why? There's nothing that could go wrong and thought yeah you're right. There's not. I went through it yesterday and thought **** I'm scared...I can't go down Sainsburys...then I thought...hang on a minute...what's gonna get me? A big scary monster? and I just went out and I did it...I was ok. I just make myself so things now. Just go for it. Hubby will be with you to look after you. And you're not letting anyone down don't ever think that xxx

Just keep telling yourself...it's not real, it's not real...nothing will go wrong.

01-12-06, 00:45
hi mick & polly you have made me feel so much better...i guess my anxiety get so severe i can throw up etc.....cant seem to get a grip of it..thats what woories me...when i went to america..i was sat in the toilets of departures throwing up having the runs...hubby nearly cancelled us going ...had to have oxygen on the plane...nightmare...how do we stop it...it just takes over me

01-12-06, 01:05
hi Mooks
try seeing a hypnotherapist to help you with your fear my one is brilliant i had to go to spain earlier this year and went to her 2 days before i went she really helped me,i dont see her so much nowadays but if start to slip back inyo panic im straight on the phone making an appointment i know it costs money but what price is your wellbeing even if it racks up your overdraft lol!
take care Mick

01-12-06, 10:04
Hi mooks,try and do some relaxation,and breathing exercise's.Keep yourself occupied on the journy.I hope you manage to have a nice time.Treat your self to something nice,[Yeah!]:)for making the trip.

Ellen XX

01-12-06, 10:43
Just remember wherever you go you are taking your safe place with you - you are your own safe place!!!!

Sometimes what has helped me through is realising that if I am gonna feel crap then I may aswell be like that and doing things, as opposed to just feeling crap and staying home.

Don't over tax yourself or 'test' yourself - shopping is a fun way to be 'practising' dealing with your anxiety levels. When you've had enough then go back to the hotel and chill.

Have a lovely time and get some gorgeous treats.


"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-12-06, 11:45
Hey Mooks...so glad you're feeling better. I hope you get to go away and enjoy yourself. I know it can make you feel physically ill. I get blurred vision and get faint.[xx(]

01-12-06, 12:43
hi mooks just to say i hope all goes well for you at the weekend.
when you get into the spirit of xmas shopping there,ll be no stopping you!!!!!!!
take care and just do a bit of shopping at a time if thats possible,try not to rush around too much as i don,t think that helps either
be thinking of you
rach x