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View Full Version : Some Questions About Agoraphobia.

30-03-14, 20:47

I've been suffering from Agoraphobia for about eight months now. In addition, I also suffer from severe panic attacks and anxiety. Sometimes I don't go out for several weeks at a time. Generally, I'm feeling quite isolated and alone. I don't really know anyone who's going through something similar and people who haven't experienced it find it difficult to truly understand just how debilitating it is. My doctor was initially unsympathetic and it took a long time to get through to her. She's only now starting to take me seriously but I feel angry and resentful because months have gone by - time I'll never get back - and I just wish that something had happened sooner and that I'd received more support. I've been referred for CBT, which I know very little about and am waiting for an appointment but in the meantime, I still have to live in the everyday and just getting through each minute seems like a Herculean task. I know I'm rambling on but for those of you who are experiencing something similar, I just have a few questions, which I hope someone can help me with, as I'm not sure who else to ask.

Firstly, what do you do about exercise when you're suffering from Agoraphobia. This is something I worry about, as I'm aware of how detrimental a lack of exercise can be on one's health. Secondly, has anyone ever had CBT, either for Agoraphobia or Anxiety and did it help at all? Also, I was wondering there's such a thing as someone who you can call on to come and offer support and encourage you to get outside, maybe go for coffee or a walk. I suppose it would be like a Support Worker role but more in a social capacity. I don't know if that kind of service exists. Lastly, I would love to know how one actually recovers from Agoraphobia. I just don't know what the solution is. I can't imagine that CBT would be an instant cure, so I'm just wondering what is helping, or has helped others in a similar situation.

Thanks everyone.

21-04-14, 21:41
Hi Bookworm. CBT is pretty good for agoraphobia. I've had a couple of courses over the last few years and it definitely equips you to overcome the anxiety. All it really involves is studying how anxiety works and how distorted thinking leads to panic and agoraphobia. Then you can talk through how you experience it and discuss points in your cycle of thinking where you can correct the distortions. You will be encouraged to keep a diary of panicky moments so that you can look back and try to replace bad thoughts with more realistic, less scary thoughts. I found it best to think of it like a game where you have the challenge of getting into a panic, and then watching the panic to see what it does and what happens when it passes. Basically you get more out of CBT the more you do on your own between sessions.
Sadly there are no instant cures but you just need to keep at it. I know it can feel like you will never recover but if there's one thing that CBT tells you it's that you don't NEED to be afraid of panic and the moment it stops scaring you, you are recovering.
Good luck with it.