View Full Version : Heart attacks, Suffocation & Bras :-/

30-03-14, 22:40
For a few years now I've been a bra-avoider, ever since I tried a corset on and found I couldn't really breathe in it.
I had my first proper panic attack and now I'm wary of bras in general, although I've got better at wearing them and hardly worry now.
Only problem is, I think I've gone up a size, and my usual bra is uncomfortable.
I'm going to try and go to the shop tomorrow to get a new one (providing I have the money), but before then, I've got an hour long bus ride and an hour and a half drama class.
Now I'm beginning to panic again, worrying how the heck I'm gonna get through tomorrow wearing my small bra....and all my fears of suffocation and bra-induced heart attacks are filling my head again :wacko:
Could really do with some reasurrance that my bra isn't gonna kill me before half 10 tomorrow.
Many thanks,

---------- Post added at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 22:26 ----------

also, I'm getting short pains where my heart is....not helping me to stay calm at all :(

30-03-14, 22:58
A bra cannot kill you so just don't wear it tomorrow.

30-03-14, 23:34
Seriously? I never take mine off!

30-03-14, 23:51
How can a bra kill you?

If you are worried leave it off but I have never heard of such a thing

31-03-14, 02:48
Isnt it a bit like wearing tight t-shirts? It may constrict you a bit, but if wont kill you. To stop you breathing it would need to prevent your chest from expanding.

Its just a feeling of being bear hugged. You will get through it and be better for changing it.

(I'm a man though so my bra knowledge is limited to oggling and removing only!)

31-03-14, 05:35
I really envy you needing to go up a bra size, since I lost weight, I find that I don't need to wear one:mad:.
Don't wear your little one today if you don't want to, and just go into the shops to look at different ones, maybe get measured if possible. Don't just buy any old thing just to get it over with. A good bra will give you confidence not suffocate you:). Your boobs need looking after lol.
@Terry tut tut :blush:lol