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30-03-14, 22:37
Some of you may know I've been worried about my testicle because it's been aching for 1 week.
I have made an appointment to see the Dr on Weds.
14th Febuary was my annual cancer check-up, where they didn't do bloods, but they did do a urine test.

IF, IF this testicle pain is the cancer would they have picked it up in the urine test?

edit: my pain started...24th march so 10 days after my appointment

31-03-14, 04:29
RVP, I don't know but I have read your thread and I think you also need to consider the fact that you first felt this when you were engaging in an activity that could easier have twisted or bruised it. Your later activities could further cause it to ache if you have twisted it.

You really need to get your GP to examine it to be sure. There is a good chance that it could be something you have done through activity and the GP can sort it out.

Did your cancer present itself with these symptoms last time?

31-03-14, 08:15
Testicular cancer can sometimes produce a positive pregnancy test. But I don't think a regular urine test would show anything up. It might be good to take a urine test as to see if there's any infection going on.

Lots of harmless things can cause you to ache not just cancer. Try not to focous on the worst case scenario as it's of no benifit to you. It's much more likely to be some inflamation.

31-03-14, 12:34
If your knee was aching instead of your testicle would you be giving it a second thought?

31-03-14, 17:42
Honestly, I can't remember. It was nearly 8 years ago, but I do remember having an ache in my testicle which would come and go.

---------- Post added at 17:42 ---------- Previous post was at 17:39 ----------

[QUOTE=skippy66;1299827]If your knee was aching instead of your testicle would you be giving it a second thought?

I wouldn't but from my history I think it's perfectly valid to be anxious and worry if it is cancer.
Would you be worried if you had crushing pain in your hand rather than your chest?

31-03-14, 18:00

There's no one that can reassure you except a medical professional. I say this from experience. With the scare I had a couple of weeks ago, I had folks telling me it sounded like this or that or it could be...but It was my ENT telling me my scan was "unremarkable" that put all the stress aside.

Best call your doctor concerning this.

Positive thoughts

31-03-14, 18:44
Its understandable that you are worried about this given your past history. I have no idea what a urine test would pick up but you have done the right thing and are seeing your doctor for advice. I hope it turns out ok for you.

31-03-14, 18:51
I don't think a urine test would pick up anything if you had testicular cancer, it would however pick up infections.

An ache alone could be anything and most likely something simple like a twist, I get a heavy kind of ache from time to time which usually means I need to have sex or ya know.

Are you doing exams on them? If so is there any pea sized lumps or do they feel different to any other time.

Over checking will bruise them and cause pain by the way, I have been there and done that health anxiety, it also gave me lower back and stomach ache, took 3 ultrasound scans to convince me I was all clear and ok.

31-03-14, 18:56
Not sure, why they done a urine sample then, maybe to check protein levels who knows.

But yeah I have checked loads of times and I can't find anything wrong with my testicle, no lumps or anything, I would say it hurts more around the front part of the epididymitis, but it generally feels all over.

I was checking like.. every hour to be honest before, but now maybe 1/2 a day when I have a shower.

I also keep checking them because I don't feel 'satisfied' everytime I check, I'm like "oh let me have another check incase I have missed something"
Now I'm thinking there could be a lump beneath the epididymitis

31-03-14, 19:04
Yeah I have been there for sure, check again just in case i missed something, oh wait and again and again.

My best advice is to "fully check" one last time if it feels nice and supple with no bumps, lumps then say to yourself its ok and leave it the hell alone until your appointment, the few days left alone might well heal it up :)

31-03-14, 19:17
Vig has a point about the poking and prodding... do your best to leave the "boys" alone for a couple of days ;)

Positive thoughts

31-03-14, 22:10
I thought I told you to stop touching your nuts?! Haha
Seriously though every time you check you feed your anxiety more. I know, I broke down in the shower today checking for signs of skin cancer. I have at least three new worrisome spots. I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow as this needs to end once and for all! You're seeing your doctor soon so see what he/she says and trust them x

03-04-14, 01:56
Not going to guess what happened!
Went to the Dr ready to get checked at 9 and the woman told me it was on Monday and not Wednesday! oh my godd, i was absolutely livid! I know they made the mistake because I would have never made an appointment for 9 on monday when i know i need to go Uni.
So now my appointment has been made for next Monday...great, another week of waiting.

03-04-14, 11:42
RVP, try not to see it as 'another week of waiting'. Use the week productively. Imagine that you were going to receive the worst news possible from your doctor in a week's time. It's not going to happen, but just imagine that for a second.

Then how would you feel about how you've spent the previous week? Would you think 'wish I'd had more fun in that week, rather than worrying about something I can do nothing about'?

I see many posters on here with various problems but you are one of the most frustrating, through no fault of your own, but just because you sound EXACTLY like me 6-7 years ago. If only I could go back to then with the knowledge I have now...

03-04-14, 15:47
Not sure if this week can get any better for me, Dr rang me after giving them my BP readings they want to add an additional tablet to control my BP, at 22! taking 1 BP tablet is bad enough now having 2...and they expect me to think there's nothing wrong with my heart.

Back on topic, the Dr on Monday is female, I mean I'm not bothered whether it's male or female Dr but will it make a difference on how they check my testicle?
Should I change it to a male Dr?

03-04-14, 16:15
Not sure if this week can get any better for me, Dr rang me after giving them my BP readings they want to add an additional tablet to control my BP, at 22! taking 1 BP tablet is bad enough now having 2...and they expect me to think there's nothing wrong with my heart.

Back on topic, the Dr on Monday is female, I mean I'm not bothered whether it's male or female Dr but will it make a difference on how they check my testicle?
Should I change it to a male Dr?

I'm sorry, I had to chuckle a bit about the male/female doctor question. There's so many bad jokes that flew through my mind.

They're medical professionals. It won't make a difference but do what you're comfortable with.

You've been under a lot of stress. Stress is proven to increase BP. I don't know your previous history but I do know you suffer from quite a bit of anxiety. I would discuss this with your doctors for your own peace of mind.

Positive thoughts

03-04-14, 19:49
Is she young or old and experienced? :yesyes: nah I had a women or two check my nuts back in the days of that particular HA, there is usually a walk in unit at the local hospitals that deal with sexually transmitted stuff but they will also deal with testicular cancer too and arrange scans if needed and that is a route I took in order to get a 2nd scan believe it or not.

How is the ache by the way? still checking? or did you leave them alone?

04-04-14, 15:32
Went to the Dr today after getting an earlier appointment and the Dr said everything looks and feels fine! which is great.
He's also booked me in for an ultrasound in the hospital for 'piece of mind'
But he clearly stated that if he was worried or thought there was anything abnormal he wouldn't send me for a scan, he would have referred me straight to a specialist.

04-04-14, 18:41
My bro actually had testicular cancer about 5 years ago now, the dr didn't know and thought it was an infection but booked him an ultrasound scan. The scan showed so much inflammation that the guy doing it wasn't sure what was wrong.

However the specialist took one feel to tell, and didn't need to see the scan himself.

He had an aggressive type, had it removed and was offered chemo or watch and wait approach with lots of followup scans and tests, hes been clear since.

04-04-14, 20:21
My bro actually had testicular cancer about 5 years ago now, the dr didn't know and thought it was an infection but booked him an ultrasound scan. The scan showed so much inflammation that the guy doing it wasn't sure what was wrong.

However the specialist took one feel to tell, and didn't need to see the scan himself.

He had an aggressive type, had it removed and was offered chemo or watch and wait approach with lots of followup scans and tests, hes been clear since.

Is this meant to scare me? lol

04-04-14, 22:27
Is this meant to scare me? lol

Not at all, I honestly don't think you have anything wrong, his testicle was like a rock or so he said and he didn't have pain either.

How is the pain anyway?

04-04-14, 23:11
Pain is still, there but tbh not as bad...still that same old dull ache which sometimes radiates into my thighs and calfs, very annoying when trying to get some sleep.

04-04-14, 23:21
Pain is still, there but tbh not as bad...still that same old dull ache which sometimes radiates into my thighs and calfs, very annoying when trying to get some sleep.

It's not sinister as per a medical professional so you can rest assured there. This may or may not help but tight clothing or tighty whities that are too restricting can cause that ache.

Positive thoughts

04-04-14, 23:33
I get random bouts of ball pain that lasts weeks and then vanish. Had them checked and nothing was found. I do find that anxiety makes it worse

05-04-14, 00:17
It's not sinister as per a medical professional so you can rest assured there. This may or may not help but tight clothing or tighty whities that are too restricting can cause that ache.

Positive thoughts

Yes! I have resorted to wearing loose boxers now, and don't wear any just shorts when I go to bed, I think it helps.