View Full Version : Breast lump/cyst

31-03-14, 01:00
Hi everyone! Im new to the forum and would love some people's advice or experiences about what I should do.

At the start of this year I found a small firm lump under my left nipple, just under one of the glands on the areola. I went to see my doctor straight away and she didnt feel it was anything serious at all and told me to come back in six weeks if it was still there. Around this time I also found two other small firm lumps in my other breast, again under the nipple. I have had a long history of white discharge from the areola glands if pressure is applied to them (im sorry if this tmi!! :wacko:)and during those six weeks the first and largest lump decreased because of this - so i could safely consider this a cyst. However the two lumps in my other breast seemed to not be the same. When i saw my dr again, i explained what had happened to her and about the two remaining lumps (they are smaller than a pea but quite firm and perhaps slightly mobile) and she wasnt concerned and said unless they start getting a lot bigger, that i should forget about it.

I am only 22, so i know it is unlikely to be breast cancer, but i am wondering if i should have persisted for a scan. The lumps are still there since i found them 3 months ago now, but have not grown as far as i can tell. i am just wondering if my anxiety about this is stopping me from trusting my doctor. i feel comfortable with her opinion, but there is always the thought in the back of mind that if i leave it, something bad could happen.

Im sorry for the long post! I would really appreciate anyone's opinion. :D

31-03-14, 01:14
My mother has cystic breasts. Some people are prone to it. If your doctor said its alright then it is. It is really embedded in us to take breast lumps seriously. If it puts your mind at ease I say there is no harm getting a scan.

31-03-14, 01:20
Hi Konhoshi and welcome...

There's a lot of great info and support on the site. One of the more common aspects of HA you'll see here as you look through threads is the "what if's" and doubting of medical professionals. Yet, someone will trust Dr. Google?

You're thinking very rationally when you take into consideration your age and two visits to the doctor ruling out anything sinister and that's a positive. The key is holding onto those thoughts when the irrationality of anxiety kicks in.

Do what your doctor said and follow up if something should change. In the mean time, getting some tools in your tool box to help when the doubts creep in can help. There's a free CBT course here that's really good and of course therapy and meds if needed.

Positive thoughts

31-03-14, 01:33
Fishmanpa that is strange that we think dr. Google is right but we don't fully trust doctors . I've never thought about that before. I asked my doctor once if he has looked at the internet because he didn't understand why I was concerned that my one year old wasn't pointing.

31-03-14, 02:54
Fishmanpa that is strange that we think dr. Google is right but we don't fully trust doctors . I've never thought about that before. I asked my doctor once if he has looked at the internet because he didn't understand why I was concerned that my one year old wasn't pointing.

I admit that even I fell victim of Dr. Google when my cancer journey started. I had convinced myself that Dr. Google had diagnosed me with lymphoma. Oh. I had cancer alright, but wasn't close to lymphoma. I actually breathed a sigh of relief it wasn't lymphoma until I looked up squamous cell carconoma!

I think some of it is self fulling behavior. My chest hurts so it must be my heart. You can find dozens of sites that agree with you irrational mind and contradict the real medical professional so how is he right when all this other evidence (true or not) supports what I believe?

When the last scare, I put in my symptoms and "lymphoma" came up. I KNEW it wasn't based on my experience and knowledge. Now, if I need a good chili recipe, no problem ;)

Positive thoughts

31-03-14, 11:13
thank you so much for your help guys!
i am going to be seeing her again in a few weeks, because she was concerned about my anxiety, so hopefully i can work something out.
but it was really great to hear your opinions, thank you!

31-03-14, 11:48
Konhoshi, I've had the exact same thoughts as you, Infact I could have written in your post! I have two small lumps in my right breast, one in the nipple area and one about an inch below. My doctor said the exact same thing. It's nothing to worry about, forget about it. Went back a second time and asked her to check again. Saw another doctor and she said the same thing, and only come back if it gets bigger.
I always wonder should I be pushing for a scan. But I'm trying to rationalize now. If they were even slightly concerned, surely they'd refer us. They'd not risk it, even if it felt remotely suspicious I'm hoping they'd send me/us to be checked out.
My doctor went through all of the reasons it's not a concerning lump.
Hope this helps, I'm totally in the same boat! X

31-03-14, 12:12
You must listen to and adhere to the advice of your doctor.

31-03-14, 13:06
thank you LF87! it is comforting to know someone is in the same boat. :D
i also try to consider that if i pushed for a scan, i could be making another person who really needs it wait longer.
thank you for your support, im sure everything will be fine!