View Full Version : nervous system

31-03-14, 07:53
Does anyone have any tips on how to calm the nervous system or any herbal remedies to help me on my way! I dnt really wanna go down the prescription route as I cnt find anything which agrees with me, I'm currently not taking any meds for anxiety apart from a 2mg diazepam when needed an I'm suffering at the min more than ever
Thanks in advance xxxx

31-03-14, 10:35
Hi paula. I wish I knew. I am not on any meds but desperate for something to calm me down. I've got Kalms and cammomile tea to try. I feel wretched today and cant stop crying x

31-03-14, 11:51
Humly, I have had many days feeling wretched and in tears. Hold on in there, keep in touch with the people here. Can you go to your GP? Meds may be of help to get you through this situation.

---------- Post added at 11:51 ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 ----------

Does anyone have any tips on how to calm the nervous system or any herbal remedies to help me on my way! I dnt really wanna go down the prescription route as I cnt find anything which agrees with me, I'm currently not taking any meds for anxiety apart from a 2mg diazepam when needed an I'm suffering at the min more than ever
Thanks in advance xxxx

Can you try St. John's Wort. I was taking that for a while until I was prescribed Citalopram, but had to stop as it interferes with the Citalopram.

31-03-14, 12:48


These are blogs that I have wrote which may help you.

31-03-14, 13:51
Stay away from sugar. The effect it has on my anxiety levels is as clear as night and day. That includes desserts, ice cream etc

And it goes without saying, no alcohol.

31-03-14, 13:55
Meditation is a magic bullet for me. I couldn't believe how powerful it was when I tried it.

It takes a little practice, but it's well worth it.

31-03-14, 14:05
Thanks guys someone told me about st johns wort, I think its worth a go. Rennie I will take a look now hun. Anxiety has really gotta grip of me lately an I ihave tried most things but I will keep searching for my magic potion xx

31-03-14, 14:11
Let me know when you find it.