View Full Version : Please can someone help - brain tumour/epilepsy fears

31-03-14, 11:43

I posted on here last week about a weird experience.
Basically I left work and then this sensation came over me. I felt like I was remembering a dream, but couldn't quite grasp it. It was similar to deja vu I suppose. I have had these before over the years and they always make me feel panicky and frightened.

I googled and everything I read points to temporal lobe epilepsy and the fact that I am having simple partial seizures. People describe very similar experiences as mine and have it. Even worse I also read that brain tumours can cause seizures so now, I have gone from being scared that I have a epilepsy to terrified it is a tumour. I can't eat or sleep and am terrified. I saw the doctor who wasn't concerned.

I have been googling non-stop and can find very little from people who experience this, but are fine.

I'm so sorry to go on, but I really am struggling to cope at all.


31-03-14, 12:16
I've known someone be diagnosed and die from a brain tumour (although many don't end up that way), and believe me you would know if you had one. You would be suffering full blown seizures that get mistaken for strokes, and they would get worse and more frequent. In short, you would be in hospital by now.

31-03-14, 14:06
Sorry to hear about your friend Skippy.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me though.