View Full Version : Are you trying your hardest to beat HA?

31-03-14, 12:36
Are you making a point of doing the following things?

1) Avoiding Dr Google
2) Facing and accepting your symptoms
3) Finding distractions to occupy your mind

If not, you should be. Because it's the only way out of the vicious cycle of health anxiety. A symptom simply 'clearing up' will not do it, because another symptom will soon appear to replace it. Believe me, I have been there!!

31-03-14, 13:28
I have done everything but I can't seem to stop looking at google :(

31-03-14, 13:49
Im trying my best skippy ,but your right about other symptoms appearing x
naughty naughty Rose Eve no more mr google x :D

31-03-14, 14:08
definitely doing what I can...avoiding Dr. google (or as I like to call to call him www.you'regonnadie.com (http://www.you'regonnadie.com)) seeing a psychologist weekly right now...and trying hard to use logic when it comes to my symptoms..it's a struggle...but I'm getting there

31-03-14, 17:40
Trying not to Google as much, but still make the odd slip I cannot make distractions I still think I got something wrong with me. I been to the GP once, need to make another appointment soon as I would like to have one of these NF lumps removed even though the GP looked at it once last month/earlier this month cannot remember.

If I could I would visit a GP every single day, even though the new thing coming in charging you would probably still not stop me going to GP.

31-03-14, 17:48
I'm trying my hardest. I've kicked Dr. Google into touch, I'm finding then when I'm distracted my symptoms decrease,but the hardest hurdle for me at the moment is facing and accepting my symptoms!!! I'm at a loss because as soon as I've come to terms with one symptom, another bites me in the a**e and takes over. I'm facing a whole new set of symptoms which I haven't experienced before, it used to be shortness of breath and high pulse and now it's this horrible tingling feeling in my left hand and foot.
Skippy was it you that posted the link to online cbt courses? If so would you mind posting the link again please.

31-03-14, 19:20
Yes, I am doing all three. I had a bit of a breakdown over the weekend but I think it was good because it really brought me back to reality. I struggle the most with accepting that healthy people have symptoms too. But this time I am not running to the doctor and I am trying to accept that my body is not perfect. I am also working to get rid of the, "but what if it is really something bad this time" type of thinking.

31-03-14, 21:52
ive stopped googling,facing and accepting symptoms is a hard one, and i try to distract myself, but the dragon is roaring that i'm ill :-(

31-03-14, 23:26
Great post Skippy. I found kicking Dr Google to be quite easy once I was able to fully accept the symptoms as anxiety related. Once I really did get that fact through my heart and my head, Dr Google had nothing left to tell me. There was no allure for me anymore.
Distraction is a major component to being successful when I feel anxious. I just cut up a bunch of vegetables for dinner and a fruit salad for the next few days. I enjoyed myself and dint think of a thing but how healthy my food choices were, and that's not generally true.
For me acceptance was the key to it all, because I had a difficult time distracting myself until I accepted that it was all anxiety.
Great thread and three really important things to focus on in our recovery.

31-03-14, 23:50
Improving, but far away from 100% of commitment that I could show to beating it. Started running, which was a big deal for me after being a couch/chair potato for more than 6 months, trying to rationalize my head more when it comes to symptoms, trying to change my sleeping habits (actually got 5 consecutive hours of sleep the other day)...well, that's about it. Still much too slow. There's TONS of stuff that I still have to do - meditation, more social activities, hobbies, mental tasks etc..

01-04-14, 00:20
Not cool your signature cracks me up :)

01-04-14, 00:27
Not cool your signature cracks me up :)
I'm glad you like it. :)

01-04-14, 13:23
See I'm doing all of the above the it thing I struggle the most with is accepting my symptoms. I almost do and I do a lot more now then two days ago. However it's just when they come when I don't feel like I'm anxious or panicking which then takes me to being panicky.

But I guess eventually I will get there. I CAN NOT keep letting this ruin my life!!

01-04-14, 15:15
Not a good start for April, even though I had tests/scans done for bowel cancer and nothing was found, no clue why I had abdominal pain 2012/2013 possible down to diet, not wanting to get rid of my poop. The bowel cancer awareness month wants me to do more scans again.

02-04-14, 10:36
See I'm doing all of the above the it thing I struggle the most with is accepting my symptoms. I almost do and I do a lot more now then two days ago. However it's just when they come when I don't feel like I'm anxious or panicking which then takes me to being panicky.

But I guess eventually I will get there. I CAN NOT keep letting this ruin my life!!

I understand that this can be the hardest thing to do. The way I approached it was to lessen my symptoms first, and the way I did this was through distraction.

I remember going to the dentist once and having terrible stomach cramps in the waiting room. I went in to have a filling, and when I came out I thought 'where the hell did those terrible stomach cramps go?' - the fact is that I was so focused on what the dentist was doing with my teeth, the pain in my stomach disappeared.

That is the power of distraction. It works.