View Full Version : desperate please help :(

31-03-14, 15:11
iv suffered for 3 yrs but last 10 weeks iv been out of control im in a constant state of panic either rushing to hosp or docs today got unbearable rang ambulence this morning because of chest pain they done ecg all obs fine
went to see doc broke down she reffered me to local crisis team for emergency app they changed all my meds
i just cant get out of my head im going to die any minute! .... today im obsessed with cardiac arrest no idea where it came from
im 23 in last 8 weeks iv had about 7 ecgs bloods on heart bloods on thyroid diabetes infection liver test doppler on leg blood pressure always text book pulse high but thats normal
why cant i accept im fine! im so drugged up on sedatives to stop me losing plot i always coped well before this :( please help
it sort of feels like i know im going to die but everyone around me putting it down to aniexty and not listening

02-04-14, 00:01
Hi there, What you are describing is exactly the symptoms of health anxiety at its worse. I know because like you I have been there over many years. You have the tests they come back clear and you are happy until the next symptom raises its ugly head. At your age there is not much likely physically to be wrong with you. Ask your GP to refer you for group counselling and this works really well and you can share your worries with others in the same boat.

02-04-14, 00:57
That feeling ur getting of knowing ur going to die as if it's a 6th sense if u will is a massive symptom of anxiety it's called the feeling of impending doom. It's something I really struggle with myself. I know people can reassure you a massive amount of times but in ur head u can't accept it because this feeling is so real to u. At the age of 23 ur highly unlikely to die of cardiac arrest ( if you look at my posts you will think that's abit rich coming from me lol) I'm 24 and have overwhelming terror of heart problems/dvts/cancer/HIV (I like to cover all bases ��) I think you need more then meds have u tried a counsellor or cbt yet ? X

06-04-14, 10:38
thank u for ur replies it got so bad yesterday i tried to self admit myself :(
they wouldnt take me tho :(

iv had so many tests done in last month im still convinced they missed a blood clot and im going to die iv never been like this normally they say no ur fine and il be like ok this time it just wont go :(