View Full Version : Any Ideas...

Stu M
30-11-06, 16:51
Hi everyone,

Ive had a few good days without many if any skipped heartbeats, but todays been a realy bad day.

Ive had loads, with a sick feeling in my stomach too :( and its realy getting me down.

Has anyone got any tips on how to ignore these things, as I understand the concept of they are benign but they still affect me greatly, especialy when ive had some good days!

Has anyone managed to overcome the fear of these?

Feeling low.


30-11-06, 17:22
Some things I can ignore on most days, as I'm so used to them now. The palpitations and ectopics don't really bother me, as I can accept them for what they are (anxiety). I have other symptoms (such as tummy pains) that worry me like mad. I can't tell you why some things worry me more than others, or how to do it.

Have you read Claire Weekes book? I remember in it she says when you are getting palpitations to really concentrate and try and make them worse - you can't!

I think you have to 100% accept that these symptoms are not serious, then they will not both you (although for me they have not yet disappeared). But I don't know how you get acceptance, I think it just happens!

30-11-06, 19:40
I know how you feel
Yesterday was the first day for six months that i did not have any missed beats i was so happy But today they are back all day again and has made me feel rough sick shaky god i hate them wish i knew a way of dealing with them too carol

30-11-06, 21:28
I certainly know how you feel. The skipped beats are my only worry left. Most days I don't think about them, just notice them and get on with my day, but some days are not that easy.
Keep telling yourself that they are harmless and that you will be all right. Just get on with what ever you are doing and try not to pay any attention to them. I know it sounds almost impossible, but if you keep doing this, eventually you will believe that they are harmless, at least most of the time.
Take care.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

Stu M
01-12-06, 14:07
Thanks for your responses [^]

Ive not heard of the Claire Weekes book, is it any good?

Ive been OK this morning, but after I had lunch, I got 4 of them in a row, and now I feel really on edge, checking my pulse again, thinking of storming into the doctors as my heart beat is not 'normal' again. Demanding for someone to put me right [:I]

Just a thought, has anybody else found that after eating they can get skipped beats????

I hate them with a passion too Carol, in fact I get told off from my wife becasue when I do get one I get angry with it and myself. Im sure that in itself is making it worse, but I do get so frustrated.

I think perhaps I need some help perhaps with dealing with them, as anger and frustration are not good emotions to have with these little buggers!!!


01-12-06, 16:30
Hi Stu

sorry to hear those blighters are at it again. I still get them, and yes sometimes after eating too, but my anxiety seems to have shifted onto other matters now and they dont bother me as much. Ectopics used to send me into that vicious circle of anxiety, palps, more ectopics but now I have def become used to them as I think you do over time. So yeh...give it time, as frustrating as that may be, and eventually I think you will be able to just let them not bother you.

All the best


01-12-06, 19:22
Has any one had them where your heart just beats all irregular for a minute or so i have just had one and its frightened the life out of me!
I feel like i cant go on with these

Stu M
01-12-06, 21:56
Hello Carol,

I get these strange runs occasionally like you mention as well as the feeling of nothing then Bam, big heartbeat!! Its usually when Im really worked up about them. That then gives me more of them :(

I understand where your coming from, these things really do set me off everytime I get one at the moment. Im looking at possibly trying hypnotherapy, have yoy tried that?

I sent you a PM today, but its not showing as gone? Did you receive anything?


02-12-06, 10:42
Hi stu received it last night sent you one back carol:D