View Full Version : Feel like just giving up :/

31-03-14, 16:18
Hey guys, still worrying about my heart even thought my ECG from a couple of weeks ago was fine but everytime i get the smallest feeling in my chest i begin to think its a heart attack coming my way :( it's my 21st birthday next week and i honestly believe i'm not meant to live to see 21, it's driving me crazy! If i had a heart problem would i know by now? And is it possible that a heart attack is coming my way soon :/? I'm honestly sick of feeling like this and i just wanna give up on life :(

31-03-14, 17:33
I know how you feel as I am having 'problems' with my heart too. Got to put faith in the doctors but I know it's hard. You are extremely young so it is very unlikely you would have anything serious.

31-03-14, 17:59
Thanks for the reply Panic, yeah i know it's very unlikely, that's what everyone else is telling me but i don't know why i don't believe them :(

31-03-14, 18:15
Its difficult. Keep in regular contact with your doctor and tell him of any changes in the way you feel mate. That's what I do. If it was urgent, they would have done blood tests and follow up ecgs but they didn't so that's good news :)

31-03-14, 19:05
i promise you its nothing,im 46 now and up untill i was mid 30s i used to suffer with sharp stabbing like pains in my chest without any warning;especailly when i was late teens early twentys. used to scare the crep out of me. but my doctor always told me they would go away in time and they have. so relax
i have only recently sufferd with HA hence why im on this site but nothing to do with chest pains. my problem now is i worry about catching colds/flu etc and i dont know why they dont even kill you.
but please relax its your youthfull body still growing thats giving you the pains.