View Full Version : HELP ME!!!

30-11-06, 17:00
I've been really freaked out lately. There's been a lot happening that would make me scared. But, first, I'd like to say that I've been on Fluoxetine for about two weeks now and other medications for my anxiety for the past three months... but I tried to stop taking the fluoxetine, and begain to take it only everyother night. I'm also on xanax daily for the past three months... though the psyciatrist told me not to use it daily anymore, I find myself feeling like I need it.
But, I've had horrible short term memory, I'll forget to bring my dog inside from walking him, or forget I'd walked into a room earlier that day. I feel like I'm getting aultimers, And I'm only seventeen years old! I've also felt weaker and everything's seemed more dreamlike that it normally does... just, I don't feel real, and nothing else does, either. And when I say that or even think about it, I get really scared.
My dad says stuff that makes it seem like he thinks I'm going crazy, and that scares me so much... what if I am going crazy? What if I have some neurological problem? And that's why I can't remeber anything, and everything seems dreamlike.
I also can't consentrate or keep a steady though train. This scares me so much... if anyone has any advice... please, please give it to me


30-11-06, 17:06
Hi Babe
Firstly DON'T stop the meds.....see your GP/Doctor....anyone here will tell you that when taking meds the first few weeks can make you feel worse..I know thats really crap but it is the way...after a few weeks youll will start to feel better and then so on so..It might be that the meds are not right for you and you may need to try others..but its far to early to tell..you have to be really really strong to give them time to work and get in your system..what other meds are you taking???
You are not going mad...the anxiety is making you forget...once you feel better your memory will improve
PM me any time...We're all in this together

30-11-06, 20:43
Hi Ya

It is anxiety that is making you feel like this.

I have done a course on altziemers disease and it does not affest 17 yr olds ever

Please try and relax and you will feel better soon im sure

Take care

luv kaz x x x

miss diagnosis
30-11-06, 22:57
Im wondering how come your doc put you on so mcuh medication?
You say your only 17? My doc refuses to give me anything. and im 27 would you not go back to doc and see if would recommend some alternatie remidies like hypnotherapy or acupuncture or even try rescue remedy.
your very young to be taking zanex>mid you Im not a doctor! this is just my opinion.

Dont worry about he memory loss. Happens to us all. I forget things constantly.

30-11-06, 23:13
Hi whitney.

I am soo sorry to hear how you are feeling :( my heart goes out to you.

I can understand how scared you are, but what you must try and understand is, the more you fear something, eg, symptoms, the worse they get and the longer they last. I know its dame hard not fearing these things, but you must try, learn to relax, learn to distract yourself when having anxiety symptoms. I do know how dame hard this is to do, it take alot of hard work and time a long time, but the more you parctice and keep doing and keep practicing you will in time start to feel the benafit.

When I was acute my memorie was not good either. I could go on and tell you lots of things, but some of them may conatain trigger, so I will not say. What I will say is, As time goes on and you learn more and more about anxiety, about yourself and your anxiety gets lighter and lesser your memorie come back. You will find that most people who have never even suffered anxiety pa's, have some memorie loss from time to time, even people at your age, but they don't even think about it, it just passes without a thought.

Because your anxietys are high, you are noticing every little detail and worrying yourself sick. Have you not hear of that saying befor, your worrying yourself sick. I never even thought that was possible, but I do now.

If you have any concerns over your meds of how to reduce them, please go and ask your gp. Meds take time to kick in, sometimes a few weeks.

Whitney, YOU ARE NOT CARZY, this is another one of Mrs anxiety tricks to scare you. again, I know its dame hard, but don't let her scare you like this.

Fears of going mad or losing control
We all have a fear of going mad or losing control but rest assured you are not going mad. Going mad is not a conscious act; those who are suffering from severe mental illness are unaware of their journey into it. You are not going mad. Confused nervous messages to the brain along tired nerves in a tired body do not constitute madness. Thoughts are an unconscious product of brain activity. If you are anxious, angry, sad or stressed your thoughts are affected, not only by mood, but also by your physical body chemistry. Blood oxygen levels can affect brain activity and the central nervous system, as can many other bodily chemicals like adrenaline, hormones and even vitamins. These un-pleasant thoughts, emotions and totally irrational fears are not harmful to yourself or others. As you body becomes more relaxed and less anxious your thought processes will return to normal.

Hope this helps

You take care (HUGS)


When you fear something
learn as much about it as you can
Knowledge conquers fear.