View Full Version : Small victories lead to the big ones!

31-03-14, 19:38
I have posted quite a bit about lymphnodes the past few weeks. I am deathly afraid that any palpable lymphnode means that I have cancer. I have two near my right ear that are small and hard, been that way for about 6 weeks now. Saw a doctor, no concern. WELL, on Saturday I was rubbing my neck and found another one (tiny, mind you) on the same side. I went into FULL PANIC MODE. I cried, mostly because I am tired of worrying. So, I started to poke and prod on the left side. Found one there. Then I began to think logically (shocking, right?)....

I find these bumps when I look for them. My body is not perfect. I have had bumps before and have not worries about them. Why now? These bumps exist because I found them. They did not show up the second I felt them. They have been there! The ones I found 6 weeks ago have not changed. They have even gotten slightly smaller (because I gave the poking and prodding a rest). Then I stopped worrying and it felt good.

I am not going to self check today. I am not going to call the doctor and say, "OMG, I found another!". I may worry a little here and there but I won't diagnose myself today. Today I will find another way to manage my stress.

Have you ever had a realization after a panic attack? What positive way will you manage your anxiety today?

31-03-14, 21:57
i will manage my anx by running as far and as fast i can away from it lol.

jokes. im deep breathing right now whenever i get a bit antsy. seems to do the trick.

and congrats on the epiphany!!