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31-03-14, 20:23
Hi there,

I'm new to this website, I've been speaking to my sister and she thinks I have health anxiety. The whole thing is confusing for me. I don't understand how my body could convince me there are lumps where there aren't or I'm feeling pain that isn't really real.

I have a child who is 19 mo. It was a difficult birth and I was to.d she might die. My partner is in the army and so often goes away on your and I'm not close to my family so I can't talk to anyone.

My sister lives far away but is a psychologist and she thinks I have health anxiety but I just feel like I'm crazy.

Sorry for all the rambles but I need to know I'm not alone!!

31-03-14, 20:46
Welcome to the site :-]

I wish my sister was a psychologist. How cool would that be.

Jump straight in, millions here with health anxiety. Hope you can find some answers and company.

31-03-14, 21:19
Hi I have health anxiety an I've convinced myself a trillion times that I have terminal illnesses an lumps where shouldn't be any etc, your not alone hun, welcome and I'm sure you'll get great comfort from the community of lovely people here, this is a place here we can say what an how we feel an not be judged feel free to talk to me anytime xx

01-04-14, 16:08
Hi guys,

So I've been to the doctors today. He said there is a lump in my breast but because of my weight it's probably just fatty tissue. I'm not sure how I feel about this but I turned down a breast exam. They have given me Citalopram which they told me is an anti anxiety drug but my sister said it's an anti depressant. I'm not sure I want to take it. My sister has recommended yoga and meditation as well as taking either Kalms or Bachs rescue remedy which are both herbal. He told me the pains in my tummy are just muscle tenderness but I have bought a pregnancy test anyway. They have given me a number to call so I will do that too.

01-04-14, 16:47
Citalopram is an anti-depressant that is also used for anxiety.... so both your sister and Dr are right:)
Why did you turn down a breast exam? It's important to get lumps in your breast checked.
With health anxiety the pains are "real" our minds can do very strange things to our bodies.
Perhaps you can try the non meds methods and if they don't work try the Citalopram.

Welcome to NMP


01-04-14, 16:49
I turned down the breast exam because the doctor seemed absolutely certain that it was fatty tissue but he told me if it gets bigger or more painful then to go back.

02-04-14, 09:42
feeling very positive and happy this morning, i did yoga and some meditation lastnight and it really relaxed me :) im goin continue to do that every night time, just need too remember ' inhale good&positive thoughts, exhale bad&negative thoughts' :)

Fizzy Warrior
02-04-14, 10:54
Hello everyone, I'm new here too. Already I am feeling so reassured, reading about all of you with health anxieties, it's good to know I'm not alone. I have just come back from a visit to my doctor, who has again explained to me, very patiently and nicely, that I do not have heart problems, or cancer, or any of the other illnesses I've convinced myself that I have. It's good to have such a great, reassuring doctor, but I still worry so much. Hoping to get to know some people on this website soon, and hoping everyone else here finds peace of mind too -x-

02-04-14, 11:11
Hi Fizzy Warrier
I'm quite new on here as well,there's some lovely people on here who I'm sure will have similar probs.Mine have been general anxiety but whatever title its still awful.Hope it all helps.

Fizzy Warrior
02-04-14, 11:17
Hi aprilmoon, thanks! I've just been having a look at the info on here about panic attacks and it has made me so happy! That sounds silly I know, but ALL of the symptoms match mine, which confirms what my doctor has been trying to tell me all along, that my 'heart problems' are actually panic attacks! It's really reassuring to hear/read about people with similar problems, I feel better already! :) Hope you find the help you need too -x-

02-04-14, 11:20
Thanks. Fizzy
Are you on any meds if you don't mind me asking?

Fizzy Warrior
02-04-14, 11:46
Yes, I'm on proton-pump inhibitors, as I suffer from gastric reflux (which is also a cause of some of the chest pains I had been having, which initially led me to believe I had cardiac problems... and then that led to panic attacks!) - but apart from the PPIs, I'm not on anything else.

02-04-14, 12:32
Welcome to all of the new people on this thread. You will find that NMP is a great place with many people who will understand what you're going through. My journey with anxiety and depression has been helped by so many people on this site. Take in the good ideas from folks with some recovery under their belt. Good luck on each of your journeys.

Fizzy Warrior
02-04-14, 13:39
Thanks Tanner! :D