View Full Version : Flu like symptoms

31-03-14, 21:50
I have been feeling poorly off and on for months. I have been under a great deal of stress and had a lot of anxiety during this time too. My main symptom is flu like body aches, pains, feeling cold etc. I have had numerous blood tests and dr thinks there's 'nothing untoward'. I still feel awful and was wondering if flu like symptoms and fatigue are common amongst people on here? I also get a really bitter taste in my mouth and stomach pain. Thanks

31-03-14, 23:36
mine are very like flu symptoms also - try and have faith in the doctor

01-04-14, 05:12
Yes, definately. I also know that flu like symptoms are common in non anxious people when they are under too much pressure.

So, if you have an anxiety disorder, it's certainly likely to come at periods where you are more stressed.

I would suggest keeping hydrated, eating well and to try relaxation techniques.

It sounds like your GP has been checking for things like anemia which can be like this as well. So, he/she will be ruling things out for you.

Have you been diagnosed with anxiety? If not, it could just be stress and it's natures way of telling you to take ot easy or change something.

06-04-14, 21:48
I get this also, have done on and off for a couple of years and its now eating me up. Had it bad on Xmas day convinced I was coming down with the the flu then I was fine for a few days then its back.
I need to sort myself out docs give me cit but I won't take them so I battle on alone.

06-04-14, 22:32
Thanks people! Yeah I have GAD but since my post my dr has sent me for a second round of bloods as I wasn't convinced I'm ok (as usual!) and these are for autoimmune diseases so obvs now I'm TERRIFIED!! Results coming this week and I can sleep/relax. Think I have everything under the sun and have started to get symptoms of every autoimmune disease ever!! It's crazy how much your brain can trick you into having symptoms. I hate anxiety!! :weep: