View Full Version : Is this post traumatic stress disorder?!?

31-03-14, 22:00
Hello again

I’ve tried to stay away from this forum for the last couple of months as I really thought I was on the mend after doctors confirmed that there was nothing seriously wrong with me following investigations for some scary symptoms. However, I still feel very traumatised by how worried and scared I was and keep being struck by horrible thoughts that maybe the doctors missed something and I actually have cancer which, deep down, I know is probably irrational(?) but I just can’t help myself………

Until late last year I never really had health anxiety before, although I have had general anxiety in the past and have taken Citalapram. It all started last autumn with some bleeding in between periods and I also noticed that there was sometimes a small amount of white mucus in the toilet after a bowel movement. I started to worry myself sick about both womb cancer and bowel cancer, especially as my dad died from bowel cancer.

I saw a gynaecologist for the bleeding who diagnosed some benign fibroids growing under the lining of my womb as the cause. I had a minor op to have them shaved back and a mirena coil was also inserted. I was told a combination of the two things should solve the problem. Biopsies were taken during the op that came back clear.

Separately, I saw a gastroenterologist for the mucus who, after doing a colonoscopy which was entirely normal, could offer no explanation. Meanwhile (and feel free to laugh Fishmanpa!!) I had been monitoring my bowel movements for a 15 week period and…..Tmi coming up……I realised that the mucus never occurred when I was bleeding either due to my period or fibroid problem. Given that I typically bled for 2-3 out of every 4 weeks it seemed more than a coincidence that it only ever showed up during the odd times when I wasn’t bleeding. Thinking back to the initial investigations for the bleeding, I recall my GP remarking that I had an excess amount of vaginal mucus (she called it “leukorreah”). I had noticed it myself – it often seeps out during a bowel movement (when I’m not bleeding obviously) and is often white. I’ve also discovered that leukorreah can be a symptom of fibroids. Therefore, it seems more than likely that my 2 problems are linked. I mentioned it to the gastroenterologist who agreed it could be a feasible explanation and even mentioned it in her report back to my GP! However, I keep worrying that maybe this theory is wrong, not that it actually matters because I’ve had a clear colonoscopy?! I stopped looking at my poo several weeks ago (with just the occasional lapse) as it was causing me too much anxiety. However, someone on another forum (not an anxiety one) got me worried by saying I was silly not to check my poo as a colonoscopy is not 100% and I could miss signs of bowel cancer! Eeeeek!

Disappointingly, nearly 3 months after the fibroid op I’m still bleeding a lot. The doctor, the leaflet and even Dr Google say this is a very common side effect of the mirena coil and usually settles down after a few months so I’m actually not too worried about this, it’s just annoying more than anything. I’ve been told that if it doesn’t settle down there are other options, a hysterectomy being the last resort. However, the mirena has another unpleasant side effect – my back has broken out in horrible acne due to the hormones in it. I had bad acne on and off from my teens until my mid thirties and it made me extremely miserable and I ended up taking a strong drug (Roaccutane) to get rid of it. I’ve been spot free for 10 years and really didn’t expect to have it back again in my forties! I’ve tried not to let it get me down, deciding it was better than having cancer! However, I’ve started to be haunted by horrible memories of how my acne made me feel and try as I might I AM worried and depressed about it, just like the old days. I had to refuse to take my kids swimming as I’m so embarrassed and am reluctant to book a summer holiday in case it hasn’t cleared up. I just got some antibiotics from the GP for it but know they only work for a while, if indeed they work at all.

I’m so sick of feeling like this, I just can’t snap out of it. I’ve always been a healthy person and these health scares have brought home to me that now I’m in my forties, the likelihood of getting a serious illness is increased. I don’t seem to be able to go a day without hearing about someone getting cancer – just today my sister told me her brother in law had been diagnosed and he’s not much older than me. 2 years ago a close friend died of a brain tumour and last year a mum at my children’s school died of the disease.

It’s so frustrating as I could have such a good life – nice home, nice family including two gorgeous kids, financial security and, just before my battle with health anxiety started, I left a horrible, stressful job for a much more enjoyable job with fewer, flexible hours. However, I don’t feel I’m doing it justice as my brain is forever wandering to my worries. My kids are very challenging which I feel is partly my fault as I just don’t have the energy to tackle their often poor behaviour and am forever snapping and yelling at them. I know my husband is sick of me and my mood and is annoyed that after spending a lot of money on private investigations, I’m still not happy.

I find that recently I’ve been waking at around 4am feeling panicky and cannot get back to sleep as my worries keep going round and round in my head. I’m forever going through my worries in my mind, rationalising them one by one. I keep thinking I’ve “put them to bed” but before I know it, I’ve started the cycle again and am back to square one!

I’m sorry for rambling on and congratulations if you’ve actually managed to read this far without falling asleep! However, writing it all down does seem to help. Can some of you relate to what I’m saying? Any words of wisdom?

31-03-14, 22:17
Hi Dobbie

First of all, i know how you feel in thinking it never ends.

I had my first bout of HA 2 years ago and i have worried over cancer, HIV, kidney failure, brain tumour and i'm now on to my heart.

The waking at 4am all panicky is something that happens a lot to me. I have panic disorder and this is a common thing in my world.

For the last two weeks, i have been at my most relaxed in the last 5 years. Ive had one panic attacks, and haven't worried about my health so much, why, i do not know. I think i just got fed up with constantly worrying.

I have the mirena coil, it was fitted 5 years ago and it took about 3 months for the bleeding to stop, and now i don't have periods at all. unfortunately, i need it replacing in the next month, so back to bleeding for a while.

I'm afraid i don't have any words of wisdom you probably haven't heard before, except that for the Panic disorder, CBT has been an absolute godsend. Have you tried it??


31-03-14, 22:26
It doesn't sound like PTSD at all. PTSD is usually the result of being involved in or witnessing a serious traumatic event.
It sounds more like Health anxiety to me and like Lisa suggested, CBT maybe helpful to you.

01-04-14, 11:43
I've heard about CBT but am unsure if it'll help - I know what'scausing my anxiety and that it's mostly irrational and only I can stop it. My husband said I will have to declare it to our medical insurance co and will affect our premium.

01-04-14, 12:13
Are you taking any medication for your anxiety? You only need to declare it on your travel insurance if you have actually been diagnosed with it. CBT helps by teaching you how to change your thoughts.

01-04-14, 12:50
Dobbiedoo, this is me exactly. Had a couple of reall health scares last year and since then HA kicked in big style and like you, seem to have traumatised me into thinking every little thing wrong is now a sign of something nasty. I read somewhere recently that people with HA only have one default and that's 'death'!!! Especially, like you, I am of the older age bracket and so always think that at my age, it's going to be serious and that you can't possibly have something minor after a certain age - I'm in my late 50s so that's even worse! I am struggling really badly today with extreme tiredness and my chest is aching and I just want to put my head on my desk so obviously, I have a heart problem or some illness that tiredness is a major symptom of....when really, I know it's because I am a person who needs my sleep and I haven't slept properly since the clocks went forward at the weekend and it's really affected me badly like probably half the population!

Anway, just wanted to say that meditation/mindfulness is definitely helping so read up on it and give it a try but you must practice it for it to be effective - ha, need to take a leaf out of my own book but I know it works when I do it! It's a horrible, horrible thing to have and I would love not to have that feeling of doom very morning when I wake but I tell myself now that I will be okay by lunch time and I usually am. Hang on in there..:bighug1:

01-04-14, 16:55
I can relate to what you say about waking up full of doom and improving throughout the day as I "tick off" each fear. Next day I'm back to the top of the list again. I've now been feeling like this since November & have had ENOUGH. I really thought the day of the normal colonoscopy would be the turning point but in reality the relief lasted about a day as I still worry the doctor made a mistake, even though I have no bc symptoms (except for the mucous which hopefully is a non symptom). The return of my acne has sent me spiralling back down into depression just as I thought I was making a slow recovery. My life could be so good, but instead it's so bad :-(

04-04-14, 22:46
Dobbiedoo, as someone currently studying my 5th year in clinical psychology, I hope you can take my advice to heart. It doesn't sound like you have PTSD, but it does sound like you are suffering from some debilitating anxiety right now. I'm sorry to hear things are going so poorly for you. As others have suggested, CBT is the first point of call for treating anxiety. It actually works really well for the types of thoughts you have listed. The fact that you know these thoughts are irrational makes you and excellent candidate for CBT. CBT is a therapy that works to challenge negative automatic thoughts and irrational thoughts. It doesn't work straight away, it takes time - everything takes time. But with a good therapist and good motivation to move forward it is clinically the most effective treatment for anxiety. You have had enough and you shouldn't have to live this way - no one should! It sounds like you are definitely ready to make some changes. Speak to your GP about your anxiety and constant worries that the doctor may have made a mistake and see what you can work out together.